
How to Survive the First Day at Your New Job [5 TIPS]

Congratulations! You’ve succeeded in getting your new job, now it’s time to prepare for your first day. This is your chance to show your employer that they made the right decision and to get acquainted with your new co-workers whilst navigating the office. Here are some useful tips to help you make your first day…


10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Becoming an Entrepreneur

Are you thinking about starting your own business? Not sure if you have what it take to become an entrepreneur? We would all like to be our own boss, but being an entrepreneur is about more than just having a great idea. Before taking on the gargantuan endeavor of owning your own business, there are…


How to Make a Great First Impression at the Interview

It takes just seven seconds for someone to evaluate you when they first meet you. In this short amount of time the other person will form an opinion about you based on your appearance, body language, demeanour, mannerisms and how you are dressed. These first impressions are very hard to reverse or undo and that…