Employer Branding

How Social Employees Can Help with Employer Branding

What drives your brand? And more specifically your employer brand?

A shiny website is great, job listings on LinkedIn is fantastic but you can’t beat word-of-mouth marketing. If you have people talking about you as an employer, whether that be in person or on social media, you’re probably doing something right.

Some would argue that your workforce is the biggest marketing asset a company could have. By turning employees into ambassadors on social media, you can tap in to their organic networks.

Employees are an overlooked marketing resource. It’s time to start leveraging them. – GaggleAMP


  • Roughly 15% of U.S. social media users trust posts by companies or brand on social networks sites.
  • The collective reach of your employee’s posts far surpasses the reach of your company, just 60 employees can increase your company’s reach by 1,000%.
  • Employee posts have farther reach than company posts, due to the amount of filtering on company posts by social platforms.
  • On average, 73.8% of the potential engagement on a social media post happens in the first hour.
  • When your employees are leveraged to share posts, the engagement lifespan is extended by 4,200% thanks to your employees sharing over time.

Have a look at the infographic below courtesy of our friends at GaggleAMP.

RELATED: A Kickstart Guide to Employee Advocacy on Social Media
