“Just because it is trite, does not mean it is not true.” That is just one of the many pithy sayings I pull out of the woodwork. As Rodney Dangerfield said, “Honey, I got a million of ‘em”. The staffing business has changed since I started in 1998 – when I first began, email was…
I recently had a childhood friend make a career change in her late thirties: she went back to school full-time, investing significant time, effort and money to turn her nursing dream into reality. She recently graduated and was so very proud to have those two new initials after her name – R.N. Everyone was so…
There are lots of things you can do to jazz up your personal brand and many of them are completely free! Here are five things you can do for your personal brand without spending even a penny: 1. 360°Reach Personal Brand Assessment 360°Reach is the first and leading web-based personal brand assessment that helps you…
This infographic (from First Contact HR) shows why it is always important to background check when recruiting. There are so many hiring risks, that you need to take precautions. Do you have any others? Let us know in the comments below! Takeaways: Background checks will outline whether candidates have the right qualifications, character and fitness…
This infographic, courtesy of TribeHR asks the question of whether job boards matter or social and mobile recruiting are the way forward. Have you used a job board to recruit someone? Takeaways: 1 in 7 social referrals applied for their jobs, compared to 1 in 20 from other sources. 95% of all applicants from social…
If you are active on social networks, you probably share all types of content: videos, articles, and pictures and you want your network to see what you’ve seen. The problem with this is that the shared content has a limited shelf-life and often doesn’t reach everyone across all your social networks. Wouldn’t it be great…
I was coaching a real ‘high flyer’ the other week and she felt that the trust between her and the owners of the business she runs (in the UK) had been broken. Part of the reason was that they had not done what they said they would and had not honored their promises, however another…
If you are ready to begin the search for a great job, chances are you have a lot on your mind! You have to get your resume up to date and impressive, create the perfect cover letter, find out who is hiring and prepare for those tough interview questions. Even though you’ve got a lot…
So far, we’ve gone round the world in 80 stereotypes, and exposed the pranksters and prats who hold our careers in their hands. Whatever could be left? The Cold Call! Most of you reading this will have been on the receiving end of a cold call at some point in your life (and several of…