The ability to recruit the best candidates for senior positions is absolutely essential for any top-performing business. But should the crucial task of sourcing and approaching these individuals to be entrusted to an in-house recruiting team, or should an outside specialist firm be brought in to help manage the hiring process? Both have their advantages,…
What’s the best way to recruit — and later retain — employees? Company career sites? Networking? Word of mouth? According to studies, it’s actually employee referrals. These employees are also shown to stick around for extended periods of times, as opposed to those who are found through different methods. Since referrals are shown to produce better…
4 Ways to Survive an Internal Interview
So many people are under the impression that if they want to move up the ladder at work they need to push up their sales’ levels and impress the boss. However, it is performance and attitude that is a key to job survival – but even this is sometimes at risk. Some people have had the…
Job hopping is more damaging to your future employment prospects than age or unemployment. This infographic (courtesy of Bullhorn) explains why. Takeaways: 39% of recruiters said that job hopping is the main obstacle for an unemployed candidate to get a new position. 70% of respondents said that people in their 30s were the easiest to…
This infographic (courtesy of Smarterer) outlines how a social profile can help you land OR lose you a job. Have you ever got a job through social media? Let us know in the comments below! Takeaways: 73% of companies have found a new hire through a social network. 78% of recruiters react negatively to potential employees…
Have you ever taken the Myers Briggs test? It is an assessment based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types that looks at what kind of characters people have and is broken down into four categories: extraversion or introversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving. These assessments are extremely accurate if…
How to Get a Job Past the Age of 50
Having recently gone through an employment change at 55, I battled my own demons as I thought about the possibility that somebody would actually hire me, versus the options a potential employer has to fill their openings with someone younger and cheaper. It wasn’t just about finding a job. It was about finding a job…
LinkedIn recently hit 200 million members globally which was a great achievement for the world’s largest professional social network. But questions remain, such as “how many members live in Brazil?” and “which currently serving US president has the most visited LinkedIn profile?” and perhaps most frequently asked, “what is the most common first name of…
OK, you are looking for a new role – maybe still looking since last year. Here are some ideas that I hope will help you to stay focused. Some of this may come across as a little glib but I really don’t mean it that way so stay with it and I hope you will…