Talent Acquisition

What Should a Recruiter’s Resume Look Like?

When it comes to reviewing resumes, recruiters know what to look for and how to tear them apart. Sifting through the unnecessary words, and looking for those that are most important, is our No. 1 priority. However, for those of us who are corporate recruiters, hiring staff augmentation recruiters to support our firms, it’s surprising…

Talent Acquisition

Why Hard Closes are Bad for Your Business and Your Karma

I don’t think profit is a dirty word, I think it’s dirty when it is at the expense of others. The old capitalist rule of someone making a profit means someone is losing is not something I can get behind. I also think that certain things shouldn’t have a profit or free market associated with…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

How to Create the Perfect Job Posting

This infographic (courtesy of Herd Wisdom) shows how recruiters can create the perfect job posting. What’s the best job posting you’ve seen? There are currently around 5 million jobs posted online – in comparison, there are 13.7 million unemployed people in the US and Canada. When creating a job posting – make the title catchy…

Employer Branding

Research: What Do Women Want at Work?

What do women want at work? This infographic (compiled of results from a global LinkedIn study) shows what women want from their job. Takeaways: In present terms, ‘success’ means finding the right balance between work and a personal life to 63% of women questioned. 5 to 10 years ago, ‘success’ meant a high salary to…

Talent Acquisition

Are Recruiters Hiding Behind Social Media?

The mass abandonment of the telephone is getting extreme in my opinion.  A quick scan across my inbox, social platforms and notifications and I have messages requesting me to email someone else; tweets with email addresses requiring a reply of more than 140 characters (with more than one contact there are a series of tweets…


Are You Just a Job Title? Work and Identity Explored

We spend more time at work than we do sleeping, eating, resting, playing, or with our families. Work, for most of us, is the defining aspect of life and thus of our identity. When someone asks us ‘what do you do?’ we nearly always reply with our occupation. The dictionary defines identity as: Who a…

Talent Acquisition

5 Reasons Being a Recruiter Rocks!

I love being a recruiter. Seriously, I think it’s the best job in the world. Yet 80% of people who enter this industry, fail in the first 2 years, leave, and are never sighted again. And it’s true, it is tough being a recruiter. And I believe in the modern era it’s getting even harder.…

Talent Acquisition

Recruitment Profiling: The Hogwarts Way

(Warning: to anyone who has never read or watched the Harry Potter series, this post may not make much sense. Go and have a biscuit instead.) Everyone who knows the Harry Potter series knows the Sorting Ceremony, where first-year students are sorted into their school houses by the Sorting Hat, an ancient and powerful magical…


How to Update an Outdated Resume

If you’re back in the job market after years of employment, your resume probably needs a facelift. Your job experience may be extraordinary, but presenting it in out-of-date formats gives prospective employers the impression you’re behind the times. Today’s resumes are leaner and meaner than their old counterparts. They need careful formatting to get past…