If your organization hasn’t yet grasped the importance of employer brand (or views it as just another marketing campaign), it’s time for a shift in perspective. Tammy Myrick is Director of Marketing, People, and Culture at Cone Health. Have a listen to the episode below, keep reading for a summary and be sure to subscribe…
As the world becomes more and more interconnected and companies begin to branch out to various markets and cultures, the demand for specific soft skills only someone who has traveled possesses increases in the job market. If you’ve recently taken a gap year to study, volunteer or explore the world, you may have valuable skills…
Work-related social events are on the rise across most companies and can be a great way to bring all employees together to boost morale and encourage team cohesion. However, whilst you will no doubt want to reward your employees for their hard work and commitment to the business, we have all witnessed compulsory team-building events…
Winter: a season of shorter days, gloomy weather and hibernation. It’s therefore unsurprising that winter is often agreed to be the most depressing season of the year. This is combined with January being the month of New Year’s resolutions – with many workers beginning to think seriously about the next steps they want to take…
There are probably a million questions you could ask our panel of recruitment experts but pinning them down to answer them isn’t always possible. So, while we haven’t been able to throw that many questions at them we thought it would be more useful to get that one nugget of crucial advice from them instead.…
With every new year comes a number of new trends and it’s no different when it comes to talent acquisition. LinkedIn has spoken to 7000 professionals in 35 countries to put together what they say are the biggest trends in recruitment this year. The Global Talent Trends Report has just been published by the professional…
It’s not always easy making a connection with top talent in person. Most often, they happen in speedy small talk at career fairs, off-hand conversations at industry conferences, or formal sit-downs during the hiring process. It’s important, however, that recruiters are able to make the most of these moments so that they can attract and…
This established tech consultancy is differentiating itself from its younger competitors by crafting the most personal EVP possible to reach both local and global talent. Anouska Ramsay is Group Talent Director at Capgemini. Have a listen to the episode below, keep reading for a summary and be sure to subscribe to the Employer Branding Podcast. Listen…
Not everybody is born into money, and even those who marry into extraordinary wealth sometimes prefer to do things their own way – right Meghan? There are lots of self-made millionaires out there too (including, of course, pre-Harry Meghan) and many of them began their journey to success by knuckling down with the books. So…