
How Tech Affects Employee Productivity

Technology has had a huge impact on the way that modern-day businesses run and though there are many benefits to it, a rise in apps and gadgets, has also led to more distractions in the workplace. In a recent report by Highfive, they investigated how technology can influence employee productivity. What role does mobile play?…


6 Ways to Deal with a Lousy Boss

Throughout your career, chances are that you’re going to have to contend with a difficult colleague. Though it can be a bit tiresome working alongside someone at a similar level of seniority as you who rattles your cage a bit, there are usually ways that you can resolve these issues without any significant impact on…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

What Really Motivates Millennials?

According to US Census Bureau statistics, there are over 80 million people that fit into the bracket of ‘millennials’. This is the largest cohort size in history, which means we need to recognise and mould the way we work to fit in with the millennials way of thinking. Over the years, employee engagement and motivation…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

5 Steps to Hire Better Talent

Hiring is one of the top five factors in a company’s success. Get ahead following these 5 steps. 1) Build an exciting company & culture The best companies will most often attract the best people. So the first step to hire better talent is to build an exciting company that great people want to work…

Employer Branding

How to Use LinkedIn to Build an Effective Employer Brand

How can your organization harness the world’s largest professional network to attract talent? The answer lies in employer branding, or talent branding as the folks at LinkedIn prefer to call it. Chris Brown, Director of UK Talent Solutions at the world’s largest professional network explains how to use LinkedIn to boost your employer branding. Listen to the…


The Game of Life: What Route Are You Going to Take?

Anyone remember the board game the Game of Life? As you make your way around the board which is essentially a timeline of your life, you are required to make big decisions about the direction you would like to take and in turn reach a series of different milestones in both your personal life and…


20 Warning Signs You’re Burned Out at Work

Are you feeling drained? Do you get tired easily? Are you getting irritated by everything and anything at work? You may need some time off. Every so often, as humans, we work ourselves too hard and become burnt out – and the best thing to do is take a break, relax, and refresh ourselves. Here…


The 12 Worst Things to Say to Someone Who is Unemployed

Being unemployed and on the job hunt can be pretty rubbish. It’s stressful, your bank balance is running low and frankly you become pretty sick of the sight of the inside of your house. So the last thing that somebody who is out of work wants to hear are patronising comments and do-gooders sharing their two…

Talent Acquisition

Could a Low Use of Data Be Affecting Your Business Growth?

LinkedIn have warned recruitment businesses that a low use of data among recruiters could have a negative implication for the future of their business, as new research has indicated that a slow adoption of new skills in the recruitment industry can impact the growth and impact of UK businesses. How is a poor use of data affecting businesses?…