
The Best and Worst Secret Santa Gifts in the Workplace

Christmas is upon us and many workplaces are embracing the festive spirit with holiday celebrations and parties! One of the many Christmas traditions that a lot of companies have adopted to bring the team together, is “Secret Santa.” The idea is that each member of the team’s name is put in a hat and then everyone…

Talent Acquisition

The Trials and Tribulations of a Candidate Market

What can employers do to secure their perfect candidate? You have been searching for the perfect candidate for 6 months and finally you have found him/her. You have put an offer together, only to find that the candidate has accepted another position! Back to the drawing board? Yes, because you probably have little choice. But…


6 Easy Steps to Making Friends at Work

Before entering the working world, sharing the same classes or living nearby to someone was a pretty sure fire way of striking up a friendship. But now that you’re older and have your own life and clique outside of the office, it’s even harder for work friendships to blossom; it’s far easier to just keep…

Employer Branding

How to Attract Tech Talent with Your Company Culture

I’ve had a chat with Brendan Bank, CIO of to find out all of his secrets about creating a kick-ass company culture to hire tech talent from all around the globe! Listen to the interview below and be sure to subscribe to the Employer Branding Podcast. About and Brendan’s role: is an accommodation website,…


Top 6 Benefits of an Office Free Job

There comes a time for many of us when we take a step back from our career and think about whether it’s still right for us. Sometimes, a change is needed – and freelancing is one of those changes that people across the UK are taking greater satisfaction in. With advantages such as becoming your own boss…


5 Tips to Find Your Dream Job

New year…new you? The start of a new year is the perfect time to get your career back on track by finding a job that you truly love. How can you ensure that your job search is on the right track? Read on for our top tips! 1) Follow your passion and curiosity: The simplest part…


How to Get Hired on The Apprentice

I’ve gone through how not to get fired, which is a step in the right direction, but how about getting hired? Only one lucky contestant can land Alan Sugar as their business partner and win the final prize of a £250,000 investment in their business venture and he’s not prepared to dish it out to…


A Guide to Surviving the Office Christmas Party

Whether you love or loathe the annual office Christmas party, there are some definite do’s and don’t about how to behave while you’re there. After all, if you want to keep your job, it’s important that you don’t do anything that will offend anyone from work or show yourself up! Lucas Blake have come up…

Talent Acquisition

Why You Need to Treat Candidates Like Gold Dust

All recruiters know that the most frustrating thing during the hiring process is giving out a great opportunity to an awful candidate – it can lead to low productivity and a high attrition rate. It can also cause massive damage to your personal brand as a recruiter. To ensure you don’t make the same mistake,…