
Is Job Hopping a Good or Bad Thing?

Job hopping. It’s a topic that divides opinions and has been greatly discussed over the years. Whereas some feel that it can benefit your career by giving you the opportunity to climb the ladder quicker, whilst gaining a variety of skills and experience in different environments, there are others that see it as an indication…

Employer Branding

Keeping Up with the Changing Engagement Needs of Employees

National Employee Motivation Day is taking place this month (Thursday 25 February), so how can employers get an accurate idea of how motivated their employees are, and also gauge if existing engagement practices are still meeting the needs of a changing workforce? Running for the second year, the creation of a National Employee Motivation Day,…

Employer Branding

25 Simple Tips to Boost Workplace Engagement

To create a productive work environment, employers must first concentrate on their employees. Ensuring your workforce are happy, healthy and motivated means the overall quality of work will improve, as well as your company remaining a fun, innovative and exciting place to work. Creativity is an important aspect of this. If employees don’t feel stimulated…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

What Candidates Want to Know About Your Company

There’s far more to a job than the responsibilities the role involves and factors such as the size of the team, the working environment and the working hours can be just as important to an individual looking for their next opportunity. So when looking for a new job, candidates want to build a thorough idea about a company’s values…

Talent Acquisition

You Wouldn’t Ignore a Customer, So Why a Candidate?

In 2015 marketers were due to spend $514 billion worldwide advertising their companies products and services. All this money is spent to attract more customers and to generate more sales. The engagement of customers is top priority for businesses, and if done right, it will create new and return customers. So would you ignore a…


6 Ways to Land Your Dream Journalism Job

This is a sponsored article by the Financial Times. Is it your dream to break into journalism? It can be a pretty tough industry to crack, but with a bit of hard work and determination you’ll get there! Here are a few top tips for landing your dream journalism job: 1) Write Whether you’re a…

Talent Acquisition

The 8 Mistakes That Recruiters Need to Stop Making

If you’re having trouble placing candidates or your hiring process isn’t running as smoothly as you would have hoped, it may be time to take a step back and assess what exactly is going wrong. Sometimes even the smallest of changes can make a world of difference, so it’s worth taking the time to identify…

Employer Branding

How to Beat the Stress of Hiring Remote Workers

The idea of hiring someone from the other side of the world to work for your company can be daunting. The thought of being unable to drop by their desk and see what they’re working on at any given moment can be enough to put someone off hiring virtual employees, period; but the benefits of…

Talent Acquisition

12 Twitter Accounts You Should Follow for Content Marketing Tips

One of the more recent obsessions in the HR world is “content strategy,” but few in the space know how to execute it. As usual, the consumer space is ahead of HR in this area, so that’s where we can look for the best resources. Here is a list of the top 12 Twitter profiles…