Employer Branding Talent Acquisition Timebound

How to Inject Creativity into Your Social Media Strategy

Recruiters are having to behave more and more like marketers these days, and with digital marketing becoming ever more visual, how can they ensure that they stay ahead of the trend? I’ve had a chat with Jordan Roland of Shutterstock to find out all about the latest creative trends and what platforms and tools he recommends. You can…


The 3 Stages of a Successful Job Interview

Congrats, your resume caught the eye of your target employer! Now the only thing standing between you and the job is the interview, so it’s essential that you nail the thing! It’s not only the interview itself that will determine your success, however; in order to really put yourself in the running, it’s important that you…

Talent Acquisition

A Lesson in Hiring Lunatics

My recent flight home from another dash around our Asia Pacific offices found me somewhat reflective. Sure, the business had been going through ups and downs – everyone is.  I mean, its hard to keep the value for investors coming in decade after decade and its downright tough enough just finding the right talent to…

Talent Acquisition

Future Proofing Your Recruitment Strategy

Modern recruiters know it is not good enough to simply advertise jobs and approach candidates on social media. The modern recruiter knows that there is so much more to recruitment than being able to find candidates. If you are stuck in a cycle of just finding candidates, how will you ever know if a person…

Employer Branding

How to Inspire & Motivate Employees With a Strong Values-Driven Culture

It’s sad to see that McKinsey research shows that during transformations, 86 percent of senior executives believe that they are actively demonstrating the change they want employees to make, but only 53 percent of employees do*. Workplace values drive the attitudes and behaviours that make your team effective or otherwise. These values might include respecting…

Talent Acquisition

How to Create a Template for Reaching Out to Passive Candidates

There are so many different ways we can approach passive candidates now-a-days. But, what about the initial outreach? Did you sound professional when you wrote that email? What about enthusiastic? Genuine? It’s tough to create an email that both captures the candidates attention while also being informative. Here are a few steps to help with…

Talent Acquisition

Four Mistakes People Make When Hiring an Accountant

Hiring an accountant sounds like it should be pretty straightforward doesn’t it? If the qualifications are more or less the same, and the services offered are more or less the same, how hard can it be to just pick one from a list of Google search results? Or even from an ad in the local…

Employer Branding

Top 10 Songs to Cheer Up a Dreary Monday

Monday morning – the office is quiet, most people are moody. There’s only one thing for it…get those tunes going! Music is a sure fire way to improve the mood of you and those around you. We’ve compiled a list of our top ten happy tunes, guaranteed to get the office grooving on a Monday…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

Is the Power of Social Media Marketing a Myth?

Are consumers and candidates by social media? Or is it all a myth? I spoke to Scott Monty of Scott Monty Strategies to find out what his thoughts are and what companies ought to be doing to have real results from social media. Be sure to subscribe to the Employer Branding Podcast and never miss an…