
6 Things You Can Say to Motivate Your Team

To really enjoy life at work, employees need a good salary, good working conditions, and a great team. But the main factor that decides if an employee likes their workplace is whether they like their boss. For managers, making sure you show respect to all employees, regardless of their level of experience, can make all…

Employer Branding

How to Use Snapchat for Employer Branding

Have you embraced Snapchat for marketing yet? Employers are fast understanding that to connect with potential employees and woo them into their workplace, being present on social media is a huge leg up and a way to build a loyal following over time. This type of marketing is not about the hard sell either; it’s about getting…


6 Resume Tricks to Beat the 6-Second Rule

By now you’ve certainly heard some of the ridiculous job search stats that are being thrown around. Yet, none are as silly as the claim that recruiters only spend 6 seconds on a resume before they decide whether or not to trash it.  Job seekers have been led to believe that all the hard work they put into their resume…


Suck It Up and Sell Yourself

No one likes a bragger, and no one really wants to be known as one. In fact, it’s fairly natural for us to shy away from any limelight which will catapult us into cockiness territory in the eyes of our peers. Especially at work, arrogant big shots who shove their successes down the throats of others are less than inspiring, and…


4 Reasons to Simply Shut Up and Listen

Listening is more important than you may think. Not only does it improve interpersonal relationships with your friends, family, significant other and colleagues, but it can also boost your leadership skills, maximise productivity and make you more knowledgable in general. Here are our top 4 reasons why you just need to shut up and listen:…


Why Your Resume Needs Accurate Action Verbs

This post is sponsored by, the resume building software available on your phone, tablet or desktop.  There are many rules to resume writing; an important one being the need for ‘action words’ or ‘action verbs’. Don’t worry if you don’t really know what they are, we’ve got you covered. Action words are verbs that describe a mental or…

Talent Acquisition

Change Your Life, Manage Your Inner Chimp

First of all, allow me to introduce you to Marje. She is my inner chimp. She tends to become dominant when I have had too much coffee, not enough sleep, have a situation that I feel is out of control or when my kids refuse to do as I ask for the 9th time. She drives me mad. She…

Employer Branding

Why Social Workplaces Reign Supreme

We know that people are happier at work when they are on good terms with colleagues. Gallup found that close work friendships boost employee satisfaction by 50% and people with a best friend at work are seven times more likely to engage fully in their work. Not convinced yet? Fostering friendships at work is a simple way…

Employer Branding

10 Ways Employee Surveys Help Attract and Retain Talent

A strong workplace culture increases business performance by engaging everyone in a united goal, values, and vision. It is also essential for helping to attract and retain talent; a key element to achieving business growth. The culture of your workplace has a significant impact on your employer brand and influences the perception of working for…