Employer Branding

Why Bad Onboarding Will Damage Your Business

Amid the hype of attracting top talent and filling vacant positions, it’s easy for employers to forget the importance of having a great onboarding program for new starters.  If someone has signed up to work at your company, they’ve obviously been impressed thus far by who they’ve met and the reception they’ve been given. Hiring managers are happy…

Talent Acquisition

22 Aussie Sayings for Adventurous Recruiters

When the weather is cold and dreary, it’s nice to dream of warmer climates, coconuts and sandcastles. If only you could teleport to a place like… Australia! If you’re feeling down under huge piles of work and grey skies, with no leave left to use, fear not! There is a way you can go Down Under without even leaving the office. Try…


Work With a Jerk? Kill Them With Kindness

The saying ‘kill them with kindness’ isn’t only for corny motivational posters; the message itself can have a huge impact on life in the workplace. Whether you’re working with a rude colleague or facing an awkward misunderstanding over email, dealing with difficult people is a task we’ll all have to face at one stage or…


4 Things to Consider Before Accepting an Offer

Congratulations – you did really well in the job interview! The reference checks were positive and now the company you are interviewing with has offered you an open position. Naturally, you want to accept it right away – but why be in such hurry? Take some time to read through the contract, evaluate it closely and discuss it with…


15 Interview Questions Sales People Should Prepare to Answer

Each year, more sales professionals lose potential employment opportunities because they are ill-prepared for the interview, than they do for any other reason, including being unqualified, unintelligent or incapable. As a sales candidate, chances are that you have great ideas and a clear vision of where you want to go. Unfortunately, if you can’t convey…

Talent Acquisition

12 Steps to Conducting Client Meetings Like a Boss

Winning new business is bread and butter for recruitment consultants. It’s competitive out there among agencies; there are hundreds of thousands of talented talent acquisition professionals all vying for opportunities to work their magic and make their money. In an industry where consultants are forever at the mercy of elements outside of their control, being on…


8 Apps to Simplify Your Life

If you love your job, but find it hard to strike a reasonable mix between work and your personal life, you’re not alone. It’s one of the main battles that any business man or woman has to find the answer to; striking the perfect balance is hard to do. Some people make sure they’re home on a certain…

Talent Acquisition

Candidate Salaries: Tackling the Taboo Topic

In my career I can unequivocally say that the majority of declined job offers are as a result of something salary-related. There can be other factors that force a candidate to decline an offer; job title, location, benefits package or so much more. However it has been my experience that salary is the number one…

Talent Acquisition

A Rant About Recruiter Rumours

Agency recruiters are susceptible to pretty harsh reviews sometimes. This week I attended a Q & A session with social media expert and million-dollar business builder, Gary Vaynerchuk. He talked about success factors; work ethic, believing in yourself, persisting, having patience and well, you get the point. One thing that really stuck out to me was…