Employer Branding

Why Laughter Is the Life of the Office

Having a chuckle at work can have some serious benefits for your business. Not only does it affect employees’ wellbeing & state of mind, but it also can boost precision and productivity. Where has laughter gone? It’s been suggested that children laugh around 300 times a day, and an average adult laughs only 4… a statistic…


Is Freelancing For You?

Scoring a full time job with a decent salary is no longer the ultimate career dream. These days, more and more people want flexibility, autonomy and better work-life balance. They want to be their own boss, manage their own schedules and buck the 9-5 trend. It’s not all that surprising that so many people are opting for…

Employer Branding Workplace

Staying or Going? How to Negotiate More Money

Times are tough, while the future looks bright.  If you thought being comfortable was your goal, it’s time for a re-think. We’re in the 4th revolution. The job economy is hurtling towards automation, AI and robotics which impact the workplace, radically transforming every aspect of how work gets done. Let’s take a reality check on what…


5 Ways to Get More From Your Job

There are a lot Average Joes out there who do the bare minimum to get by. That’s fine, if you’re prepared to kiss goodbye the prospect of a promotion, salary increase, big bonus or glowing midyear review. We live in a digital age where new technologies are constantly redefining how we work, and the jobs market is extremely competitive. Those…

Talent Acquisition

The Rec 2 Rec Octagon

I used to be an agency recruiter. I met my budgets and enjoyed the odd bonus as well as the big nights out. I truly enjoyed the feeling that we were all in a trench together. I remember silly hat sales days, the compulsory ‘take a buddy’ client visits and of course, the dress code. I’ve learned…


Excuse Me Miss Dietitian, What Should I Eat at Work?

Many of us struggle to eat a good lunch at work and when we do eat it, 47% of us have only our keyboards for company. With the immediacy and responsiveness that the digital age demands, the fall out is often a haphazard approach to food choices. Snacks merge into meals, we have amnesia over…


What on Earth Are You Waiting For?

Are you constantly telling yourself that if things were a little different, you could do great things? Meanwhile, are other people forever telling you how much potential you harness? If you ever find yourself daydreaming about a different career, living in a different city or travelling more, it’s time to get your motivation up off the ground and…

Employer Branding

Common Mistakes Managers Make With Graduates

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, companies plan to increase their recent graduate hiring by 11% in 2016.  For many hiring managers and recruiters, significant benefits come from recruiting fresh blood. Paying lower salaries, off-setting pending retirements, diversifying the age range within the office and the allure of molding new talent into future…

Employer Branding

How Advanced is Employee Advocacy Nowadays?

As long as the war on talent rages on and technology advances, employee advocacy will remain a piping hot topic. Its level of maturity is growing every day. What is its current state, and how do you tap into the power of an engaged workforce on social media? To find out, I’ve had a chat with Ed Terpening of Altimeter Group who has…