
I’m Tempted to Believe I’m Superwoman

Ever been to a circus and seen those jugglers, riding a bicycle, doing cartwheels and still managing to effectively throw and catch oranges or apples, or whatever? Most of the time, that feels like me. I can definitely relate in my own little way. My story Life so far has taught me that with drive,…

Employer Branding

Social Innovation: How Cision Cuts Through the Noise

It’s difficult not to drown in the vast, fast-moving sea of content out there. We know that using social media is key for employer branding, but if you’re trying to sell your company as a great employer, and reach potential candidates natively, you’ve got to have a strategy in place that’ll get your messages noticed. I’ve…


New Attorneys: How to Steal the Show at Your Law Firm Interview

As a new attorney, the process of obtaining your first job can be exhilarating when your hard work pays off and you receive a call for an interview; at the same time, the process can be intimidating when you consider the numerous other new attorneys also answering those calls. From the day you took the…

Talent Acquisition

Rec2Rec Explained: Do Recruiters Really Need Recruiters?

It is often called the “dark side” of recruitment; it tends to polarise recruiters, and to anyone outside of recruitment, it baffles and confuses people as to what we actually do. Rec to Rec aka R2R aka Rec2Rec (hereonin known as R2R) is a sector I have been part of from its early inception. It started to…


How to Explain Why You Stayed in the Same Job so Long

If you’ve been fielding a bit of push-back from people saying you’ve stayed in one job too long, you’re not alone. Let me start by saying; there’s no such thing as the ‘perfect candidate’. Forget profiles on paper, all humans have imperfections and they’ll show sooner or later. Rough career edges won’t always be deal breakers, as few…


5 Things You’re Forgetting to Do Before Sending Your Resume

If you could choose between a beautifully tailored outfit designed to fulfil all of your wildest fashion dreams or a ready-to-wear baggy tee from some random retailer, which would you pick? That’s a rhetorical question. You’d obviously want that tailored outfit. Did I mention it comes with bespoke pockets? Well, it does. In the age of personalization,…

Talent Acquisition

Why to Avoid the Trap of Client Familiarity

Now bear with me on this; I’m just as culpable as you on this one. We all have clients we deal with who we get on with like a house on fire, knowing exactly the kind of candidate they need for their numerous roles. We’re guilty of taking half-arsed job specs for them because, let’s face it,…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition Workplace

3 Habits of All Great Communicators

I have been fortunate enough to travel to many countries and work with professionals from various industries and backgrounds. No matter where in the world I am, there is a certain type of person who always stands out to me. There’s something special about them. It’s hard to put you’re finger on what it is, but you can’t help…

Talent Acquisition

12 Candidate Warning Signs For Interviewers

Can you really assess a candidate’s suitability fully from just a few conversations? How can you figure out their working style, their office compatibility and aptitude when you’ve only met them once or twice? Candidates aren’t the enemy, and we want them to be on their best behaviour. But when they’re trying to fit the role’s specifications,…