Using jargon in job adverts can harm the hiring process for several reasons. Firstly, jargon can confuse potential candidates, especially those new to the industry or profession. This can result in qualified candidates being deterred from applying for the position, resulting in a smaller pool of candidates.
Secondly, using jargon can give the impression that the company is more interested in appearing knowledgeable than in effectively communicating the requirements of the job. This can make the job advert seem unapproachable and discourage candidates from applying.
Thirdly, jargon can create a sense of exclusivity, suggesting that the company only wants to hire people already part of the industry or profession. This can discourage individuals from different backgrounds or with diverse experiences from applying for the position, limiting the diversity of the candidate pool.
Finally, jargon can result in a poor candidate experience, as candidates may feel they do not understand the job requirements or are not adequately informed about the position. This can result in a negative company perception and deter candidates from applying for future roles.
Despite all this, do you still find yourself reading buzzwords, fluff, and jargon on resumes and job adverts? Then this little study by Monster UK is for you; they have compiled some of the recurring blunders both recruiters and job seekers make when writing up documents.
Recruiters love jargon and cliches; you may have come across gems such as:
- Hit the ground running
- Laser-focused
- Penetrate the market
- Viral learnings
- Need an idea ‘with legs’
Some job seekers put stuff like this on their resumes:
- A claim to have experience in Arctic warfare
- Explaining the knowledge of origami at length
- Listing “nice to children, animals, and old people” as a skill
- Writing a complete resume in texting language
- Including one’s ear size measurement
- Achievement: “successfully putting daughter to bed over 100 times”
In conclusion, avoiding jargon in job adverts is essential to attract a diverse pool of candidates, communicating job requirements effectively, and creating a positive candidate experience. By using clear and straightforward language, companies can ensure that their job adverts are accessible to all potential candidates, increasing the likelihood of finding the right person.
Related: 7 Resume Mistakes You Probably Didn’t Realize