Do you suffer from blogger’s block?
Blogger’s block is inevitable! Any blogger is bound to stare at a blank sheet of paper or a blinking cursor on their screen.
Blogs are essential in building your personal brand credibility and visibility. While it is exciting to have a blog and even more exciting to actually have people subscribe to and read your content, it is a BIG commitment. Once you start a blog you need to provide regular content, or else your blog will become an empty parking lot and nobody will come by for a visit.
Here are a few sources from 4 blogging experts to keep at your fingertips then next time your blog hits a dead end:
- Brain Clark of Copyblogger has a great infographic highlighting 22 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don’t Have a Clue.
- Michelle Shaeffer started to help bloggers keep a steady stream of ideas. Every day Michelle posts a blogging idea prompt that you can use to blog about, or as a teaser to come up with your own idea.
- Jon Morrow, also of Copyblogger fame, recently released a free report called 52 Headline Hacks where he gives 52 actual templates to generate 52 headlines to use for your blog posts.
- Darren Rowse of ProBlogger has a great post with 25 techniques to battle bloggers block adapted from how he deals with speakers block.
I am certainly not a blogging expert, but a technique I have used is hosting ‘blog-a-thons’ and ‘vlog-a-thons’ on my own blog. In June I hosted a ‘30x30x30 Personal Branding Blogathon’ and in September a ’30-Day Personal Branding Vlogathon’. I was amazed at how quickly I found people in my network willing to join these efforts and share content. Every day I feature a new thought leader’s post or video.
Seeking guest bloggers is a great way to add fresh content to your own blog, and give you a bit of a break when you suffer from blogger’s block! Why not apply to become a guest blogger here at the Undercover Recruiter?