Talent Acquisition

How to Get Ahead in Recruitment: Be Like Karl Pilkington

So you work in recruitment and you are keen to get ahead. But would you ever consider looking to TV personality Karl Pilkington for inspiration? Perhaps not, but be prepared to think differently. Karl is the comedic presenter of the TV show An Idiot Abroad, where he brings his own unique slant on the destinations he visits.…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

This is the Year of Increased Recruitment Activity!

New Year, New You! That’s the motto. With a new year upon us it’s time for a quick burst in gym membership, healthy food purchases and for exercise equipment sales to double. That is, of course, until March roles around and everyone gets back to their normal schedules. Personally, I do not subscribe to the New…

Talent Acquisition

A Guide to Video Interviews with Local Candidates

The video interview: it’s not just for international candidates. There’s a misconception that video interviews are only for connecting with candidates far, far away. While video interviewing can be a good tool for bridging large distances, it’s also an effective method to connect with candidates closer to home. The video interview can help your company…

Talent Acquisition

15 Ways to Resign Gracefully

You have got a new job! Well done. Now, don’t spoil it all by making a hash of your exit from where you are now. I know: you’re excited! It’s hard to stay focused on the old gig, when everything is ‘oh so cool’ about the new one. But remember, the ‘old gig’ was the ‘new gig’…

Talent Acquisition

5 Ways to Write a Biography

Simply put, a biography is the story of someone’s life. Writing it so that others may read it is not as simple as its definition though because some people would consider biographies to be one of the most boring types of literature. You would therefore need to combat that, and this is done by making…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

The Unfair World of Hiring

Who’s scared as sh*t about how the government and corporations monitor us, categorize us, recruit us, abuse us, and ultimately misuse our information because we share on the internet? It lives in the back cells of our minds and fore nerves of our fingertips. When it comes to the NSA’s staff welcome message, Box CEO Aaron…

Talent Acquisition

Recruiting Tools: Use Them, Don’t Be One

There was an intriguing discussion on Facebook amongst some recruiters that I have great respect for (even when their opinions differ!): Casey Kugler had just got access to LinkedIn Recruiter for the first time and he was, of course, rather excited! Some others weighed in with their opinions about the validity of the tool, if…

Talent Acquisition

What Happens in a Year in the Life of a Recruiter?

What does the average recruiter do in a year in their life? This infographic by G2V Careers answers just that! Takeaways: On average, a recruiter spends 78,352 minutes on the phone a year. Annually, recruiters go on four incentive trips. Recruiters may go through as many as 1,100 cups of coffee a year – that’s…

Talent Acquisition

The Gift of Good Hiring

December is a month for friends and family, and for giving. This year, I was approached by a contact in the industry and was ask to help an old friend of his, someone who might have some useful skills for my clients. When I moved across to Luxembourg, Ignites and several news outlets ran the…