Employer Branding

Would You Pass the Work Life Balance Test?

Work life balance – three little words which are often used to describe a comfortable relationship between your work and home life. Every employee wants this, and apparently every great company offers it. But do they really? I am not so sure. Have you ever stopped to wonder if you personally actually have a balance…

Employer Branding

The Journey to Better Internship Programs

The journey to a great internship program is never easy. Not only do you have to craft the ideal program that will help to foster the next generation of workers, you also have to consider elements like compensation and what interns are looking to gain during their stint. While the state of the internship has improved, steering your…

Employer Branding

10 Ways to Keeping a Happy Office

Would you like to work in a happy and harmonious office? Here’s the definitive guide to achieving this: 1) The kettle is your friend:  One of the biggest causes of conflict in every office is the kitchen area, either people not doing the washing up, pinching stuff from the fridge, or not making their fair share…

Employer Branding

Are You a Manager of Teams or a Leader of People?

So you employ a group of guys who you proudly call your ‘team’ which you are the manager and leader of, and you are confident that they respect you as their boss – but is ‘managing’ a team, the same as ‘leading’ a team? And will you get different outcomes from either approach? No doubt…

Employer Branding Workplace

Stealthy Job Seekers: How to Keep Your Privacy Online

Social media is a great tool for job seekers but it’s also a double-edged sword. It can increase your networking potential and maximise your visibility to recruiters, hiring managers and decision makers. However, it can also call unwanted attention to your job search or present a less than ideal impression from your online movements. Here…

Employer Branding

Top 3 Hiring Myths and Why They Are Untrue

I have hired dozens, perhaps hundreds, of people. In 2000, I became the first employee and Chief Marketing Officer for a startup that eventually grew to be 700 employees. During the first few years when adding a new employee was a major decision, I interviewed almost every hire in the areas of sales, marketing and customer…

Employer Branding Timebound

The 20 Most In Demand UK Employers According to LinkedIn

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network with more than 238 million members worldwide, this week revealed the second annual ranking of the most attractive employers among its 13 million members in the UK. The results? Well, UK professionals seem to prefer the best of British, with a dollop of American of course. Consumer technology and…

Employer Branding

A Guide to Introverts in the Workplace

Not everyone in your office will be loud, open and ready to joke. Introverts have jobs which are very suitable for their personality traits – this infographic explains more. Takeaways: Introverts prefer quiet, calm working spaces. 1 in 8 teens are estimated to have a social phobia. Introverts can flourish in many careers – such…

Employer Branding

Is the Gender Pay Gap More than Sex Discrimination?

You may believe that the gender pay gap is all about men vs. women. However, it’s more than that. The pay males make in comparison to what females is determined by a lot of different factors, such as experience, education, and even location. This infographic, compiled by, a job board which gives members access to…