Employer Branding

Virgin Holidays: Why Richard Branson’s Vacation Process Can Work

It was recently announced that Sir Richard Branson, head of The Virgin Group, is now offering his personal staff unlimited holidays. This uncapped time off can be taken at any time, without the need to gain prior approval. In addition, employees do not have to state when they will be back, whether they intend to…

Employer Branding

How to Be a Brilliant Boss

Is being a good boss something we can learn? Although some personality traits are innate, some others can be practiced. And improved! Being a good boss is a real plus as it will lead to a better atmosphere and productivity. If you’re a manager, always aim to keep them happy by being ready to listen, understand…

Employer Branding

5 Signs You’re Annoying Your Employees Without Noticing

“The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they’re going to have some pretty annoying virtues.” –Elizabeth Taylor Your swagger, peremptory mannerisms might surely sway your shareholders or business allies, making them give in to your demands. However, if you’re thrusting it upon your employees too often, it might soon…

Employer Branding

What are the True Benefits of a Shorter Work Week?

This past summer, Google’s two founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, conducted a joint interview with Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures. In the interview, Page, Google’s CEO, covered a number of interesting topics, including his belief that society no longer needs full-time employees. He pointed out that the key elements people need to truly…

Employer Branding Timebound

Who are the Top Rated Employers Worldwide in 2014? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Today, LinkedIn have released their third annual ranking of the Most InDemand employers. Based on over 35 billion interactions between companies and members on the site, companies are ranked based on LinkedIn member awareness of a company (e.g. how many people have viewed your employees’ profiles within the past year) and engagement on LinkedIn (e.g. how…

Employer Branding

Why You MUST Cultivate Innovation for Leaders

Innovation means “a new idea, device or method” and the act there of. If you are a leader, you want to encourage innovation. It doesn’t matter what kind of leader you are, whether you lead a team of bright people in business, a student leader, or a leader of a community group—you are a leader.…

Employer Branding

For Better or Worse – Millennials are the Catalyst for Workplace Evolution

The careers/workplace blogosphere is littered with rants and tirades about the generations at work, much of this content circling around Millennials (or Gen Y, as they are commonly called). It’s fascinating, really, the bipolar takes that have been published. Let’s explore the contrasting views: Millennials are entitled, lazy and untrustworthy: Millennials are perhaps disloyal (Forbes),…

Employer Branding

The Bay Area’s Workforce in 2020

The Bay Area is a funny microcosm-It’s the home to Facebook, LinkedIn, and more importantly, 7 and a half million other people. It’s the hub of tech in a world where everywhere seems to have more tech than they did yesterday. But the most popular occupations and industries of the San Francisco Bay Area extend far…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

What are the Pitfalls of Social Recruiting?

Social recruitment has turned into a norm from an exception that it was two years back. With everyone looking to find ways for using the ubiquitous social networks for their benefits, it doesn’t come as a surprise that social recruitment has caught on like anything. While some might argue over the “unmatched” benefits of social…