Employer Branding

Why a Healthy Employee is a Happy Employee

Following on from our employee’s guide to staying healthy, this useful infographic from ChairOffice provides lunchtime inspiration for those aiming to get a head-start on their new year resolutions on keeping healthy and fit. Not only will you feel better overall but you’ll work more efficiently! Remember, keeping healthy is 80% nutrition, 20% working out. Killer…

Employer Branding

5 Essential Steps to Develop Your Team

When I first became a manager, I really struggled with figuring out the best way to develop my team. I was so used to doing it all myself, that I didn’t realize that I had to unlearn a few of the “best practices” that had gotten me to the next level. I soon realized that…

Employer Branding

Can Age Ever Be More than Just a Number?

As a culture we celebrate the ideal of youth. We invent names by which to define it – we talk about ‘millennials’ or ‘Gen x/y/z’ – and as employers we court it, using recruitment initiatives designed to vacuum up new talent. And, perhaps most visibly, we celebrate it in popular culture and politics. Of course…

Employer Branding Timebound

What are the Top Jobs of the Future? [INFOGRAPHIC]

What will the future hold for you? You can’t predict everything, but thanks to Ayer predicting your future career is made easier! Using data from such sources as Business Insider studies and global employment trends, this infographic predicts an even stronger emphasis on connectivity and a heavy reliance on technology and social media platforms. Better get…

Employer Branding

How Social Media Can Damage Your Employer Brand

We all know that recruiters use social media as a way of sussing out potential employees, but what about existing ones? Can negative posts from employees harm a brand? To learn more, check out the infographic below from Rise Smart. Takeaways: 50% of people post about their employers online – it’s an easy place to air…

Employer Branding Timebound

What are the UK’s Most Attractive Employers in 2014?

Following on from last year’s results, LinkedIn has unveiled this year’s top 20 in-demand employers. With more than 332 million members on LinkedIn worldwide, the data is gathered from its 17 million members in the UK. The BBC climbed two places to make its first appearance in the top five, while Burberry entered the top ten…

Employer Branding

How to Transform a Millennial Employee into a Leader

Many employers often see employees of the millennial generation (those born post-1985) as unreliable, egocentric and in perpetual need of instant gratification. This is not necessarily the case, according to David D. Bernstein, author of the book “Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation is Shaping our World.” In his book, Bernstein says millennials are forging…

Employer Branding Timebound

How International Headhunters Can Open Up New Markets

The essence of any headhunting project is to take on a challenging assignment and find difficult to locate people. If it was easy the client would be able to source perfect candidates without outside assistance. Often Headhunters are brought in to locate specific individuals to open up new markets or territories abroad. In some cases…

Employer Branding

What Employee Benefits Do Top Employers Offer?

The perks of working for tech giants like Google and Facebook have become a real talking point over the past few years (see: Google or Facebook – Which has the Best Employer Brand?). So what are the other major employers doing to keep their workforce happy – and loyal? 57% of candidates say a company’s reputation…