LinkedIn have released the findings of their Winning Talent report today, which looked into the factors influencing people’s choices about where they want to work and central in their findings was the significance of a good employer brand. Their research has found that it is crucial that employers invest in their employer brand, as well as employee benefits, in…
Category: Employer Branding
Some of the world’s biggest companies use The Employer Brand Index to understand, improve and measure their employer brands.
Sponsored by Hiring Hub, an award-winning UK-based tech company that helps businesses find and hire the best talent, faster. Recent research by online recruitment marketplace, Hiring Hub, has found that nine out of ten UK businesses are making compromises when hiring, with one in three candidates described as “less than ideal” for the role. For business owners,…
Traditional marketing techniques are all good and well, but just how much do people trust the information shared by PR and marketing teams? Your team can be the biggest promotional tool for your business, when working as advocates for for the brand and people are much more likely to trust the opinion of existing staff over marketing…
In every company, there are a number of hidden talents. Some are fairly predictable. Regardless of whether or not it’s part of their job duties, there will always be employees who are gifted at speaking, presenting, selling, writing, managing, etc. But there will also be other talents that employees possess that are hidden deep below…
Studies show a clear correlation between employee engagement and performance. How would you rate the employee engagement in your organisation? Affecting everything from customer ratings and quality standards to safety incidents and turnover (regardless of industry), poor employee engagement can ultimately have a big impact on your business. This infographic by Bonusly provides some key…
Universum have released a list of Europe’s Most Attractive Employers of 2015 as part of the Universum Talent Surveys series, that involved University students across Europe’s 12 largest economies during September 2014 to Feb 2015. The study looking into Europe’s top employers involved over 168,000 business and engineering/IT students, who shared their thoughts on what companies…
A big part of running an interesting and successful business is employing a group of people who each have their own personalities, ideals and beliefs. Having a varied team of individuals is what makes a business interesting – different types of people bring different ideas to the table, and it also makes everyday life more…
LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for many recruiters. Not only is it the perfect network to source and connect with talent, but it’s also a really useful platform for marketing your brand and expanding your reach, no matter what industry. Setting up a LinkedIn page for your company is definitely worthwhile if you’re looking to…
If you’re anything like me, you know what Monday mornings are like before coffee. Just awful. Recently however, I’ve actually been on a bit of a mission to reduce my coffee intake after realising I was basically a coffee-fuelled alien before 10am. What I have realised is that it IS possible to have a good…