Netflix and its culture have made movements in the HR world – the company has been at the forefront of people’s minds for all the right reasons. Part of the reason I love the HR and culture at Netflix is from learning about it through their culture code deck. I found the presentation surprisingly honest…
Category: Employer Branding
Some of the world’s biggest companies use The Employer Brand Index to understand, improve and measure their employer brands.
Personality profiling and psychometric tests are becoming an increasingly popular part of the recruitment process, with over 70% of large UK organisations regularly using assessment tools to interview for new recruits. At Pure, we utilise psychometric profiling where appropriate on behalf of our clients to ensure highest level of candidate fit on each placement. Such…
We’ve heard the usual tricks and tips for motivating staff – quarterly bonuses and flexible working hours. But what employers often forget, is that one of the key ways to motivate staff is to truly inspire them with what you do. If staff are feeling inspired, then not only are they more motivated in the…
Working environment can have a truly monumental effect on employees engagement, motivation and productivity. It may be one of the last things you think about when you’re trying to boost your employees success, but it should be at the forefront of your mind. There are numerous factors that can alter the way employees feel in their working…
What Staff Perks Work Best?
How can employers ensure that their staff remain engaged at work and are happy in their jobs? It’s a tough one to get right and at a time where job hopping has become somewhat of a norm, employers are being forced to go to extra measures to provide incentives for employees to keep them from jumping ship.…
There’s been a slew of commentators looking at what makes a good employee – personality, attitude, engagement? Whatever you think good looks like for it is plainly not found in first-class degrees, amazing IQ, top-notch coding skills or years of experience. It is claimed that when asked what sets exceptional employees apart business leaders chose…
According to US Census Bureau statistics, there are over 80 million people that fit into the bracket of ‘millennials’. This is the largest cohort size in history, which means we need to recognise and mould the way we work to fit in with the millennials way of thinking. Over the years, employee engagement and motivation…
Hiring is one of the top five factors in a company’s success. Get ahead following these 5 steps. 1) Build an exciting company & culture The best companies will most often attract the best people. So the first step to hire better talent is to build an exciting company that great people want to work…
How can your organization harness the world’s largest professional network to attract talent? The answer lies in employer branding, or talent branding as the folks at LinkedIn prefer to call it. Chris Brown, Director of UK Talent Solutions at the world’s largest professional network explains how to use LinkedIn to boost your employer branding. Listen to the…