Employer Branding Talent Acquisition Workplace

6 Ways to Bounce Back from Failure

“Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.”

– JK Rowling

Failure is a natural thing, and many people would argue that you can’t have success without experiencing failure along the way. Failure can happen in all parts of our lives including our personal lives and work life – and it’s important to use it as a positive force to drive future success. But what ways can you bounce back from failure? I’ve listen my top 6 ways below:

1) Reflect:

An important thing to do is to reflect on what’s happened and list ways in which you can avoid it happening again.

2) Surround yourself with supportive people:

Nothing helps you bounce back from failure more than a supportive group of peers or colleagues. Talk and share your experiences – by doing so you’ll be mentally talking yourself through what went wrong, and it could even help them in regards to future failures.

3) Don’t finger point:

When things go wrong, it becomes very tempting to finger point and blame others. Accept that you made a mistake and don’t shift the blame onto anyone else.

4) Don’t take it personally:

When things go wrong, it can be easy to feel down in the dumps and blame it on your own personal weaknesses. Instead of doing that, you should accept that mistakes happen, things go wrong, and it wasn’t due to your own personal weaknesses.

5) Talk it out:

When something goes wrong, the best way to deal with it is to talk about it. Sharing your thoughts out loud often helps you sift through and work things out. It’s also great to hear others’ opinions.

6) Set attainable steps for development:

Setting small workable targets is a great idea to get started when bouncing back from failure. Keeping targets realistic means you are more likely to reach them, keeping positivity flourishing through all the work you do. Once you’ve reached these smaller targets, you can continue setting them higher and higher.

By Ruby Lowe

Account Executive at Link Humans, download our 12 Essentials of Employer Branding eBook now.