
How to Impress Recruiters: Resume Do’s and Don’ts

It’s a tough world out there, especially in the world of resumes. You are competing against a large number of other candidates, who also have great experience and impressive skills and knowledge.

You need to have what it takes to stand out both as a person and also have an impressive resume that makes you special and unique. This means you can’t be making any silly errors that may get you noticed for the wrong reasons.

So how can you do this? Here are some top statistics and dos and don’ts of a resume from AkkenCloud, take note!

Think like a recruiter

  • Recruiters spend 6 seconds looking at a resume before deciding if the person is worthy of an interview.
  • 78% of resumes are discarded for an unprofessional email address.
  • 88% discarded if they include a photo!
  • They spend 80% of their resume review time on name, current title/company, and past titles/companies.

What questions do recruiters ask when reviewing a resume?

  • What was this candidate’s most recent role?
  • What is this person’s overall experience?
  • Do they have a personal web presence?
  • Did they have any gaps in their career and why?

Resume Do’s

  • An organized layout is VERY important.
  • Put format first.
  • Triple-check spelling and grammar!
  • List experience in chronological order.
  • Identify your achievements: Challenge, actions, and results.
  • Show leadership.
  • Incorporate statistics.
  • Use words such as achieved, created, and influenced.

Resume Don’ts

  • Don’t use overcomplicated formatting.
  • Don’t change tense throughout.
  • Don’t exaggerate titles/responsibilities.
  • Don’t make spelling mistakes.
  • Don’t use an inappropriate email address.

Read more dos and don’ts below!
