Employer Branding

Balancing Hyper Growth and Company Culture

The public eye has recently cast a spotlight on company culture, leaving several companies wondering: how do you strike a balance between building a healthy culture that keeps employees happy and making sure that the company can continue to strive for its business goals? Course Hero is one company who is doing just that –…

Employer Branding

12 Ways to Bounce Back From a Layoff

As an employer, you are likely tasked with hiring people, but that also means you might have to oversee layoffs. No matter your job type, from manual labor to sitting at a desk, layoffs are inevitable. It may not happen while you’re at the company, but at some point, the business will have to let…

Employer Branding

5 Ways to Restore Your Culture’s Shine

How would an outsider—a client or customer, perhaps—describe your company’s culture? If you don’t have an immediate answer to this question, ask yourself why. All too often, our organizations don’t have clearly defined and discussed cultures, ones that support and galvanize their purpose. And this affects our people, both inside and outside the enterprise. In…

Talent Acquisition

Is It OK to Edit a Candidate’s CV?

When reviewing CVs, adapting applications prior to submitting them to employers, has become common practise for most recruiters. But as a recruiter should you be amending information on behalf of a candidate, or is it better to submit the CV a candidate created with no rewrites? Reflecting on a balance between minor tweaks and CV…


Spotting an Employee Experiencing Poor Mental Health

Unlike physical health, spotting the signs of someone suffering from mental health isn’t always that easy. You may have an employee that may be quieter than usual or not interacting with the rest of the team as they used to and while it might seem out of character there could be showing the first signs…

Talent Acquisition

How to Build the Perfect Applicant Funnel

Recruitment marketing is still in its infancy when compared to either its older sibling HR Recruiting, or its first cousin Marketing. There are plenty of ways you can streamline and improve your recruitment marketing tactics by borrowing from both of these related practices. Today we’re going to go over building the perfect applicant funnel, pulling…

Talent Acquisition

How to Communicate Jumpy Resums to Your Clients

One of the most popular client requests across many industries is ‘longevity’. But in today’s job market, what does this actually mean? With the millennial workforce killing the idea of the ‘forever job’, and job-hopping becoming the norm instead of the exception, longevity is almost an outdated concept. It is up to recruiters to educate…

Employer Branding

A Passport for Keeping Staff with Disabilities

There are currently around 4 million people with disabilities in employment in the UK; that’s just over half of the total number. While that percentage is increasing, it’s still poor in comparison to more than 80% employment in the general population. Worryingly, around 10% of people with disabilities drop out of work each year and…

Employer Branding

Countries Offering the Most Time Off Work

Everyone loves that feeling of walking out of work on the last day before a vacation, knowing that all the daily troubles of the job can be forgotten for a little while. Or that feeling of waking up ill and exhausted but knowing that you can call in sick and take time to recover because…