
Have You Ever Thought of a Career in Finances?

It is a well-known fact that not many people look for a career in finances because it appears to be an overwhelming process. But not many people are aware that it is possible to have a career in this kind of field even without getting a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. Here are some of the most rewarding finance…


The Quick Guide to Getting a Social Media Job [INFOGRAPHIC]

Want a job in social media? Here’s a quick guide to help you further on your way, courtesy of Career Bright. Takeaways: Establish an online presence – if you don’t have a Facebook/Twitter account, what are you doing? Be creative and relevant – don’t just post rubbish for the sake of it! Network and build…


How to Create a Resume for Your Next College Job

If you’re close to graduation and you’re interested in finding yourself a college job, having a polished and well-written resume is definitely a must! This is essential in getting that perfect summer job for you so you can make a little extra before starting college. Here is an easy guide on how to create a…

Talent Acquisition

Why Twitter Lists are Great for Hearing Through the Noise (and Stalking People)

Whether you’re on Twitter or not, you’ll know that it is a vast, noisy place. There’s no getting away from what people had for breakfast, the latest football score or an article on how to use Twitter better. All of this noise can put many recruiters off and stop them from getting real value from…

Talent Acquisition

Why I’m a Fussy Old Fusspot Recruiter

Now I am not saying I am fussy about everything – anyone who has ever sat inside my car before it gets a valet will know that I don’t get too fussy about mess in there (with 2 kids and a dog, it’s hard to be!) however, when it comes to recruitment matters, I do…


How to Prepare for the Role of a Successful Employee

What was the last movie you saw starring Robert De Niro? Whatever it was, my guess is that the acting was impressive. While some of his movies do better in the box office than others, De Niro never fails to deliver in his role. In his 40-plus-year career, he has proven himself time and time…


Should You Ever Lie on Your Résume?

As a professional resume writer, HR manager, and career coach for over 10 years, I have come across this controversial issue more times than I can count. Let’s say you have been actively pursuing employment for over a year and keep being told you’re overqualified by recruiters, so you start thinking to yourself, “maybe I…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

What are the Top 5 Global Recruiting Trends?

This infographic from LinkedIn outlines the top 5 recruiting trends seen globally in 2013. They are: The source of quality hires – social networks are the fastest growing source. Employer branding is extremely important. Data use is crucial to making good hires. Internal hiring is increasing compared to last year. Mobile recruitment is a source…


5 Skills Every Workplace Leader Needs

What skills do managers need? This infographic from outlines 5 every manager must have. Takeaways: Leaders need to cultivate strategic thinking and innovation. Managers need lots of skills – especially the ability to develop and understand. Only 1 in 5 organisations reward creativity – change this! RELATED: How Would You Score Yourself as a Manager?