The unemployment figures are always a popular topic of discussion and disagreement. Are they rising or falling? This infographic by NBRI breaks it down. Takeaways: Long-term unemployed count for 37% of all people unemployed. The luxury retail industry is one of the most in demand. Support activities for mining is the fastest growing industry.
25 Odd Jobs that Make Good Money
Are you bored of your job? Want one that’s more interesting that’ll make you good money? This infographic by Job Titles can help! Takeaways: Bounty hunters make good money – but we would not suggest making this your job… Human statues make between $25 and $200 an hour. Elevator mechanics have a salary of $70,000…
Well there’s no doubt about it, social recruiting has improved both the quantity and quality of candidates, and an online study by Jobvite suggests that one-third of human resource professionals tend to agree. This is because social profiles are giving recruiters more confidence in not only the professional fit of a candidate but the cultural fit…
Why the Cover Letter is Dead
In offering some advice today to a family member who is job hunting, I came to the realization that the cover letter is all but dead. The family member’s query was how to write a compelling/ interesting cover letter because he was looking to find ways to get his resume noticed by the hiring managers.…
You’ve got a 4.0, created the perfect resume, and established a flawless network of connections, but it takes a lot more than these things to gain the attention of employers. Today more than ever before, competition is fierce in the entry-level job market. As an entry-level job seeker, you’ve got to go above and beyond…
Social recruiting – some take to it like a duck to water and others, quite frankly, sink. It’s not the marketing part – we all know how quickly word can spread after hitting Enter on that latest vacancy – using Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn to advertise and share job openings is a breeze. However, when…
What are the best paying jobs for women? This infographic by gives a rundown of the top 19. Takeaways: Women are starting new firms at twice the rate of all businesses. Women lawyers have average yearly earnings of $85,000 – with 34% of the profession being female. 81.2% of school teachers are female – outnumbering…
Right so you have a decent LinkedIn profile, you have connected to a few people but you’re looking to get more out of LinkedIn. What should you do? One obvious place to start is checking out the groups section, which is essentially discussion forums hosted on LinkedIn. Stats Groups aren’t new to LinkedIn, in fact…
At some point in life, as we mature, we will have appointments to make for some type of interview; to be approved for attending school, to qualify for a loan, but most likely it will be an interview for employment. Some people are organized, dependable and own the four “Cs”: Clarity of thought, Confidence in…