Our favourite TV shows say a lot about us – but could they be what you base your career on? This infographic by semesteronline.org answers that question. Takeaways: Enjoy House of Cards? You could become a politician or lawyer! Are you a Breaking Bad fan? Why not become a chemist? Is Dexter your thing? You may…
LinkedIn is expanding its relevance to new demographics day by day. Most recently they launched their University Pages alongside allowing students from the age of 13 and older to make use of the LinkedIn Platform. This is all part of its goal to entice prospective graduates and students in the tremendous career benefits of using…
What Type of Office Sitter Are You?
We’ve covered the office personalities – but how do you sit in the office? This infographic by ChairOffice lists the top 10 types of office sitters – which are you? Takeaways: The cool dude sits backwards and is best friends with himself. The sleeper may forget what time of day it is… Average Joe has…
Valentine’s Day is here, and one of 2 things is likely are like to happen: It’s time to book a restaurant, take out your significant other, and then text/tweet on your respective smartphones. Easy! It’s time to go out with your single mates and get totally annihilated (Undercover Recruiter always suggests you drink sensibly). We…
Are your employees rolling their eyes every time you demand something from them? Are they sick and tired of their duties? Do you feel like your company is not productive enough because of your employees? Then maybe it’s time to shake things up a bit. Have you ever thought of finding a way to engage them? Today’s…
Tired of falling into the black hole after you apply for a job? Maybe you’re overlooking the importance of social recruiting? Corporate recruiters want you to reach out to them through social networks and engage in conversation through the talent communities they are building! Get on a recruiter’s radar and WOW them: Glassdoor recognized 10 Talent…
There are now over 200 million people across the globe living and working abroad, more than double the figure 25 years ago. People’s careers are no longer constrained by the opportunities provided in their home country and individuals are increasingly able to move around the world to take advantage of the global hubs of excellence that have emerged. The fourth…
…said the hiring recruitment client to the R2R. “LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, internal referral schemes, internal recruiters, my own network, job boards – I do this day in day out, how hard can it be?” – the latter being famous last words… Have you ever wondered how any R2R business like mine (or one of the…
Losing your best people truly sucks. Are your best employees looking for positions elsewhere? Can you spot the signs? This infographic by Mindflash shows the 7 signs that your employees may want to move! Takeaways: Have they been dressing nicer than normal? They may have been attending interviews. Big life changes could cause the want…