Talent Acquisition

What are the Best Online Recruitment Tools?

In this digital era, the internet plays a very important role in recruiting new staff. Online tools that were once a secret weapon of big recruitment firms are now available to anyone at a very affordable price or even free. A full recruitment cycle basically contains three main phrases: sourcing, selection, and retention. Below are…


Is it OK to Bend the Truth in Your Resume?

Bending the truth in your resume can be a double-edged sword. It may help you get the job you apply for, while getting caught bending the truth can come back to bite you years later. Depending on the truth you bend, you might cause legal issues for yourself, especially if you are bidding for a project as a…


LinkedIn is Not the Ultimate Recruiting Site, Twitter is

Twitter serves myriad purposes for millions of people. It’s provided space for brand campaigns, event organizations, personal rants, and every other attention-seeking tactic imaginable since 2006. Though many people use it for professional connections, some view it unprofessional at times — certainly not as “respectable” as LinkedIn for branding. So what makes Twitter such a uniquely useful resource…


10 Habits of Highly Successful People

Truly successful people all share a number of qualities that differentiate them from others. The habits a person has attributed to them can really be a deciding factor to an individual’s success. I’ve compiled a list below of the 10 habits successful people share. 1) They don’t wait for anyone else to motivate them: True…

Talent Acquisition

How to Get More Email Subscribers

As a recruiting or staffing agency, you will have plenty of website visitors (potential new clients) that take a look at 2-3 of your pages and then vanish never to come back again. How can we make these people take action and sign up for your newsletter, a download or simply get in touch? I recently had…


What Careers Best Suit Introverts and Extroverts?

Would you identify yourself as being an introvert or an extrovert? You can find people who fall under each of these categories in most workplaces and particular traits displayed by each personality type mean that they tend to work in different ways. For example, some of us strive when working with others, whereas others perform…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition Workplace

How Fortune 500 Companies Use Twitter to Recruit

The value of social media for recruitment has become increasingly clear over the years and although LinkedIn is still the front runner for professional networking, Twitter and Facebook are hot on its heels, proving themselves handy tools for hiring talent. Twitter in particular has seen an increase in the number of people using the platform…

Talent Acquisition

How Can Recruiters Engage with Millennials?

In 2014, 36% of the workforce was made up of Millennials who were between 18 and 35 years old. This percentage is expected to rise to 75% by 2025. According to a study done by UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School and the YEC, most Millennials value jobs with growth opportunities, which include both personal and career…


5 Tips for Successful Career Fair Networking

Career fairs are not a sure fire way of getting hired, however for someone who is looking to take the next step in their career they can be very helpful. They allow you the opportunity to meet one on one with company representatives that could potentially be responsible for you getting hired. While going to…