Talent Acquisition

Is Your Recruitment Business Running Like Clockwork?

Confidence in recruitment has increased due to the more positive economic outlook in the UK. This is great news for recruiters; however, it can be a double edged sword. As opportunities increase for candidate placement – according to research more than a third of workers plan to change roles this year – recruitment companies need to…


Should I Use a Chronological or Functional Resume Format?

Your resume can open and close doors. It’s main purpose is to market yourself to your prospective employers, and hopefully it will land you an interview or two. Resumes can come in different formats. The most common ones are chronological format and functional format. There are a variety of situations in which each certain formats can work differently. Here is…


Should You List Experience That’s Not Relevant on Your Resume?

In the past, many people stayed in one career, whether it was their dream job or not, throughout their working lives. However, this is not the case anymore. Nowadays, with more widely accessible education and career opportunities, it is not uncommon for people to change jobs and even careers every few years. Many of these career changers are…


The 7 Reasons Employers Will Hire You

To secure that dream job, you have to think like the person making the final decision. What is going through the manager’s head when they select candidates? What attributes are they looking for in their ideal employee? Here are 7  of the most common reasons people get hired. Use it wisely now and do let me…


Are Skills and Experience More Valuable Than a Degree?

Today, employers are looking for a variety of talents, skills, and personality traits in future candidates. This means that people who haven’t attended university, have just as much of a chance of getting employed due to the potential skills and experience that they have gained in the time that others have spent studying for a…


What Can Mad Men’s Joan & Peggy Teach Women About Careers?

When I was assistant regional manager at The Gillette Company in the early ’80s, I tried explaining to the president why I was not going to relocate across the country again when the step up position was available in my region. I had already moved from St. Louis to San Francisco to Boston to Chicago for the company…

Employer Branding

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page for SEO

LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for many recruiters. Not only is it the perfect network to source and connect with talent, but it’s also a really useful platform for marketing your brand and expanding your reach, no matter what industry. Setting up a LinkedIn page for your company is definitely worthwhile if you’re looking to…


Should Candidates Include Salary Requirements on Resumes?

In general, you should NOT include salary information on your resume. Sometimes your prospective employers may ask for your salary requirements or salary history, but unless there is a penalty for omission, such as your resume will be rejected, do not include the information. By including salary requirements on your resume, you could convey a false impression or create…

Employer Branding

10 Alternatives to Coffee to Help You Stay Alert

If you’re anything like me, you know what Monday mornings are like before coffee. Just awful. Recently however, I’ve actually been on a bit of a mission to reduce my coffee intake after realising I was basically a coffee-fuelled alien before 10am. What I have realised is that it IS possible to have a good…