
How to Impress Recruiters: Resume Do’s and Don’ts

It’s a tough world out there, especially in the world of resumes. You are competing against a large number of other candidates, who also have great experience and impressive skills and knowledge. You need to have what it takes to stand out both as a person and also have an impressive resume that makes you…


5 Reasons Why Taking a Vacation is Good for Your Career

It’s summer and the beach is calling! You love the idea of jetting away somewhere slightly more exotic than the grey interior of your office, but you’re snowed under at work and there’s no way you can deal with the workload that’ll be left to pick up when you return. Sound familiar? STOP! You’re on track…


How to Be Truly Happy at Work

We spend a lot of our time at work, so we want to feel happy in our jobs. By finding a job and working environment we enjoy being in, we naturally feel more motivated and driven to achieve our best. But how exactly can we go about this? Naomi Simson came up with four stages to having…

Employer Branding

The Dos and Don’ts of Being a Brilliant Boss

Being a boss isn’t an easy job, however if you want to get the most out of your staff, it’s important that they respect you and in order to achieve this you need to be the best boss you can be. When you have your employees on side, it’s not only an advantage to you, but it…


How Mindfulness at Work Can Improve Concentration & Reduce Stress

Many claims are made for mindfulness and meditation; practicing mindfulness is likely to ease anxiety and improve concentration. Being mindful is about paying attention to the present moment so that you become more effective and efficient in what you are doing and more at peace with yourself. Gelong Thubten, a Tibetan Buddhist monk for more…


How Introverts Can Achieve Career Success

Making a mark for yourself in the workplace and building a successful career isn’t an easy task for any of us, but for an introvert it can feel like one full of hurdles and challenges, as they are required to leave their comfort zone to get noticed in a world full of extroverts. Achieving a successful…


5 Steps to Writing a Top Notch Cover Letter

When applying for jobs the cover letter is often overshadowed by your resume, however in most cases it is just as important, if not more and could be make or break your chances of being considered for a job. Your cover letter is your chance to really sell yourself as an employee and to elaborate…


Passion, Success and Your Career

“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.” -Walt Disney Have you ever found yourself sitting at a table with someone who only talks about themselves excessively and their theories about life and business are juvenile, overly simplistic and…

Talent Acquisition

6 Tips to Ignite Your Instagram Recruiting

You’ve probably heard about how lots of businesses are now using Instagram as a marketing tool, but have you ever thought about using it for recruiting? “Social recruiting” isn’t really anything new, though it’s probably something you associate more with ‘professional’ networks such as LinkedIn or even Twitter. However, there’s so much more to it than purely…