
7 Ways to Find Job Vacancies

Nowadays, people have become more adept at finding new job opportunities. Some of the more traditional strategies are no longer popular and although are still an option, aren’t quite as effective as other approaches. With technology ever-developing, the old days of circling job ads in the classified section of newspapers are certainly in the past…

Talent Acquisition

How Staffing Agencies Grease the Wheels of Recruitment

Acting as the middlemen between employers and those seeking employment, staffing agencies promise to make recruitment a lot simpler for the management of any company, regardless of size. They’ve been around for many decades and have pretty much shaped the modern corporate landscape in terms of labor market values. Perhaps the greatest benefit of using…

Employer Branding

Hiring Clients: How to Recruit the Best Talent

A guide to attracting and successfully recruiting the best talent for your business. You often see blogs giving advice to the candidate/job seekers- How to write a winning CV How to use LinkedIn to find yourself a new role How to get yourself headhunted How to get recruiters to call you How to use Job…


5 Tips for Finding a Job on Social Media

As a job seeker, you have probably researched all there is to know about cover letters, resumes, and interviews. However, are you familiar with the latest technique of job searching – social media? Yes, social media is not all about posting cute photographs of your cat or silly videos. Nowadays, more and more companies have turned to…


7 Steps to Planning Your Job Search

Searching for a new job is almost a full-time job, as it takes hard work, time, and commitment to succeed. So the last thing you want to do is to send out hundreds of resumes and wait for a reply that may never come, so it’s important that you are organized and know how to…

Employer Branding

8 Tips for Improving Employee Wellbeing

One of the number one factors that effects employees’ productivity in the workplace is their wellbeing. If employees are not taking care of themselves, and managers are not taking care of their employees, productivity has proven to decline. Workplace wellbeing can be affected by all aspects of working life – including working environment and even the workplace…

Employer Branding

The Importance of Combatting a Negative Employer Brand

If pressed, most of us would probably say that we have a pretty good idea of what kind of thing goes into making a company an attractive or unattractive place to work. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that cultivating a good employer brand – creating positive impressions among your current employees and potential hires – has…


How to Answer the Top 10 Interview Questions

You can never be 100% prepared for a job interview, as there’s no way know knowing exactly what your interviewer may ask you; however it’s highly likely that you will be asked some of the usual suspects. By giving some of the most common interview questions some thought and planning out answers, you can enter…


6 Job Interview Slip Ups to Avoid at All Costs

Your potential employer liked your resume and you’ve been called in for a face-to-face interview. This is an important, maybe even the MOST important, step in your job search, and it is your chance to make a good first impression on your potential employer! It’s normal for you to feel nervous, but by knowing what some of…