Employer Branding

The 7 Office Personalities Everyone Will Recognise

If you work in an office, you’ll understand that having a variety of characters and personalities around means your work is more creative and collaborative. It keeps things interesting and often means you get to see things from multiple perspectives. However, there a select group of personalities whose reputations precede them. They include the office…

Employer Branding

How to Encourage Creativity at Work

We need managers to foster creativity and innovation at work because it is closely linked with productivity and economic growth. Many firms recognise the value of creativity and the imperative to produce ’new and improved’ products, processes, and services is critical. To improve their competitive edge organisations need to build a high level of innovative…


5 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Job

You crafted a great cover letter, made sure everything in your resume was in order, and landed an interview. Everything seemed to go smoothyl during the interview and you came out feeling confident. You may have even decided to put your job search effort on hold because you were pretty sure that you would get this job. A…

Employer Branding

Employee Engagement: Not Just for the ‘Big Boys’

Employee engagement continues to be a buzz topic for HR professionals. An increasing number of employers now understand the importance of creating an energised team, which is willing and able to go the extra mile, and recognise the benefits this can bring to the bottom line. However, from speaking to owners of SMEs, it seems…

Employer Branding

How Businesses in Emerging Markets Can Attract Talent [STUDY]

Universum have revealed the latest findings in their Talent Insights Series, looking into what graduates in emerging markets look for in their career and how businesses can attract talent in these regions. By ’emerging markets’ they refer to countries which are exhibiting a rate of GDP growth higher than the global average, however not as developed…


7 Personal Branding Tips for Freelancers

Personal branding can certainly be a powerful tool for success. When you market your professional services as a one-man band (or one-woman band), you are effectively marketing yourself and having people buy into you. A strong personal brand will draw people and opportunities to you like a magnet; it’s both cheaper and more effective than…


The Do’s and Don’ts of LinkedIn Job Hunting

There’s no doubt that LinkedIn is a great way to find a new job. They have successfully implemented a way to advertise openings based on how closely they relate to your title. If you are a Human Resources Manager, chances are you will see a handful of ad’s for HR Manager positions local to you.…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

How to Hire the Best Tech Professionals in the UK

The tech industry is an ever expanding sector and with this growth comes the demand and competition for skilled tech professionals. When hiring for your tech company, it’s essential that you make sure that the individual has the correct skill set and is fully qualified to excel within your business. After-all, don’t ever underestimate the power…


16 Traits of Winning Employees

There is no such thing as the perfect employee. However, there are certain tell-tale signs that will either allude to the fact that a hire will work out or will turn into a headache. The saying goes – a job seeker is either part of the problem or part of the solution. When a new…