Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

How to Recruit the Perfect Team

Within a matter of months, recruitment has become candidate centric. With a skills shortage and high levels of employment, the candidate is now in control and has the pick of recruitment agencies. So what does this new recruitment environment mean – how can companies ensure they are in the best position to compete in the…


How to Use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to Find a Job

Social media has is playing a vital role in boosting job search. Are you too benefiting from the popular social networking tools that have become a rage these days? Well, not only job seekers but employers as well are garnering the benefits of social media for finding suitable candidates. Among other social media platforms, Facebook,…

Employer Branding

10 Tips to Hiring When You’re an Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur you may be unsure about where to start when it comes to expanding your team and welcoming another person into your business. Hiring new staff to join your staff can be risky at such an early stage in your company’s life, so you need to be sure that the person is right for…


How to Get Your Motivation Back After a Vacation

Summer is well and truly over, and if you’re finding it hard to get back into the swing of things, trust me in saying that you’re not the only one! It’s always a struggle to get back your motivation after you’ve had a bit of time off, and you may need a little bit of…

Employer Branding

The 6 Most Common Hiring Mistakes

A bad hire can result in a number of negative implications for a business and therefore it’s important to get it right. Though there may often be a sense of urgency to fill a position, employers should avoid rushing the hiring process or skipping important steps in order to get somebody’s feet under the desk…

Employer Branding

How to Create Content that Gets Shared on Social Media

Sharing content is great for recruitment marketing, as it can attract industry professionals and drive traffic to your website. So how do you create content that gets shared on social media? To answer this question I’ve had a chat with Steve Rayson, co-founder of Buzzsumo, a social search tool designed to support content marketers in finding great content and…

Timebound Workplace

Life After College and Graduate Employment

Many college students would have just graduated this summer. This means a fresh pool of talent has just been released into the working world and recruiters need to be aware of the skills and value that graduates posses. However, as much as companies have the ability to attract this new talent, they struggle to find…


The 16 Stages of a Job Interview, as Told Through Cheesy Stock Images

You’ve got to love a stock image. Cheesy facial expressions, exaggerated hand gestures and generally awkwardly staged scenarios all round! In fact, when I put it like that, they have a few things in common with a job interview. Interviews aren’t exactly the most relaxing experiences. You do your best to come across as charming and…

Employer Branding

The Importance of Offering Equal Opportunities to Disabled Employees

Every individual has their own qualities and can bring different things to a company, so it’s important to have an element of diversity among your staff. This can be in terms of personality, skills and allowing equal opportunities to everyone who applies. A large number of people are effected by health problems, some of whom would…