Employer Branding

5 Essential Hiring Tips for Start Ups

For a start up business to really flourish, what it needs is the right people. In the early days the success of a new business is determined by the team behind it, so you want to build a strong one that will work well together and share the same values. So how can you go about attracting…


What to Consider When You Start Your Job Search

When you’re starting your job search, you don’t always know exactly what you’re looking for. You may have had a vague idea about where you would like your career to go, but not necessarily an accurate idea about the kind of role that you believe would suit you. There are a few things to consider when…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

How Recruiters Find Top Talent in 2015 [STUDY]

In a competitive and complex job market, relationships reign supreme. This is shown, more than ever, in the new Recruiter Nation study released today by Jobvite. The study was carried out on over 1,000 recruiters from a wide range of industries and goes far beyond social recruiting, diving into the increasing complexity behind a recruiter’s job.…


5 Reasons Why Writing a Blog Could Help Your Job Search

You’ve probably heard it all before – building an online presence is essential for your job search. Not only can you connect with other professionals working in your field of work, expanding your professional network; but by having a voice across social media you can get yourself known within your desired industry and build a bit…

Talent Acquisition

How to Run an Effective Interview Process

So far, we’ve discussed the overall recruitment process and the role a recruiter should play in the process. In this post, I’ll give an overview of what businesses should be considering going into a recruitment process and in turn, how to maximise what they get out of said process. The goal of the Process Job…


The Do’s and Don’ts of Finding a Job When You’re in One

Looking for a new job when you are already employed can be tricky. It can be incredibly time consuming and when you’re working full time you may feel like this is time that you just don’t have. It’s also important that  you keep your job search below the radar, as you don’t want to jeopardise…


6 Office Organisation Tips to Keep You Motivated

Are you the type of person that has piles of documents sitting on your desk? Have you got a mountain of filing to be done or what feels like millions of e-mails to respond to? Being a disorganised person can feel like a harmless habit but in actual fact you could be wasting time and…


How to Make Your Social Media Accounts Appealing

When most people apply for a new job, their main interest is to complete the perfect resume and cover letter. Some of them pay attention to the LinkedIn profile, and that’s where their focus on social media stops. Leaving your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles unattended is a huge mistake. The practices of human resource…

Talent Acquisition

How Recruiters Can Master Email Marketing

Emails – love them or loathe them, they are very effective for recruitment marketing, for reaching both clients and candidates. What are the elements of a successful email marketing strategy? We spoke to Tamsin Fox-Davies, Senior Development Manager at Constant Contact and you could listen to the chat below. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Employer Branding Podcast. Why is email marketing…