Employer Branding Timebound

5 Steps to Boost Office Morale During the Winter Months

The summer months are sadly coming to an end, and as the sun goes in, businesses can often notice a decrease in morale. The winter blues can have a huge effect on the motivation and productivity of your workforce, so introducing some new morale boosting methods will help your employees shake-off the dip in productivity.…

Talent Acquisition

Cashing in on the Real Value of a Recruiter

In an ideal world, recruiters wouldn’t exist. Every business would have a steady stream of experienced, driven future employees, all queuing up outside the Managing Director’s door, ready to get to work. All companies would have fabulous career paths that their employees would never want to leave. In fact, they’d probably all be like a…


The Best Cities in the US for Jobs in Medical Sales

Looking for a new role in medical sales? Though there are medical sales jobs are available all around the US, the demand for medical sales reps varies from city to city. Med Reps have put together an infographic outlining which cities have the highest demand for medical sales reps, where you will find the smallest level of competition…


How Can Sleep Affect Your Career?

A lot of us live extremely busy lives and for this reason our jam packed schedules often mean that we don’t get as many hours sleep as we could really do with. But did you know that by staying up late and sacrificing our precious Z’s, you could be hindering your work performance? So it’s…


The Worst Interview Responses on Record

Recruiters get to meet their fair share of job seekers throughout their career, from the ones who absolutely nail their job interviews and soar through the hiring process, to those who are just a disaster waiting to happen from the get go. There’s bad interviews, which I’m sure nearly all of us can relate to in…


College Life vs. Work Life

Jumping into the working world out of college is a wonderful and exciting time. It’s a chance for you to put the things you learned in your courses into practical use, make some money and see what you’re made of. Let’s face it – in high school and in college, you were basically told what…

Employer Branding

What Companies Offer the Best Employee Perks?

From team lunches to ping pong tables, many companies offer a range of employee perks to attract talent to their organisation and keep their team motivated. Though smaller companies can offer perks, such as clocking off early on a Friday or free parking; it’s the big dogs that can offer the fancy perks that get…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

How to Get Hiring Managers Involved in the Recruitment Process

A topic of conversation at Sourcecon Fall 2015 (a national conference for recruiters and sourcers to learn about different recruitment tools and strategies) was: how to get hiring managers involved in the recruitment process. Here was my advice on how to do this… First the challenge. Many hiring managers say: “Why do I need to…

Employer Branding Workplace

What Does Your Office Cubicle Say About You?

Ahhh, the office cubicle. The home away from home for every office worker not lucky enough to have their own private office. Depending on your job, office culture and coworkers, your cubicle can be your own personal corner of inspiration, or your 40-hour-a-week prison cell – or perhaps a little of both. Regardless, unless you…