
The Interview Question Checklist for Jobs in Communications

If you love to share, engage, write, promote, or be creative, then a job in communications could be just what you’re looking for. Alternatively, you may already be doing comms, but want a promotion. Either way, the next several years will be offering rich pickings, because communication jobs of all stripes are on the rise:…


How to Include Hard and Soft Skills in Your Resume

Through your education and work experiences, you’ve collected quite a bit of know how. Whether it be learning specific programs or tools for your industry or learning how to be more adaptable in the workplace, you want to make sure your resume reflects your skill set. When it comes to applying for jobs, skills are…

Talent Acquisition

Do You Need a Talent Community?

Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what exactly makes up a talent community. Is it the contents of your CRM? Your job board resume database? The collection of people that ‘follow’ your company on LinkedIn? For me, there isn’t necessarily a single hard and fast definition – what there is, though, is an…


6 Ways to Beat Stress at Work

Everyone suffers with the feeling of stress from time to time, but if it’s interfering with your productivity, then it may be time to take a step back and try and work out its route cause. Work shouldn’t drive you crazy, even if your boss thinks otherwise. We’ve put together a list of our top…

Employer Branding

Why Employers Need to Listen on Social Media

How can brands benefit from becoming listening brands? How do you go about setting up a listening infrastructure? What are some of the typical pitfalls? I spoke to JR Little, who is the author of “Listening Brands – How Data is Rewriting the Rules of Branding“, and Global Head of Innovation at Carat to get…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

12 Recruiting Stats That Will Change the Way You Hire

Hiring can be a difficult and time-consuming process. It can cost a lot of money, and also be extremely successful – for the recruiter and the candidate. However, if you take note of some of the stats outlined below (by Officevibe), it can help improve your hiring process. How do you get around these stats? Let…


Job Interview 101: How to Avoid Mistakes

Job hunting can be hard. The endless emails, the countless rejections and the insane amounts of cover letters saved in your documents. It can be a long process, but there’s no better feeling than landing a job interview. Yes! Finally you can prove how perfect you are for the position at stake. Resume Writing Lab have…


How to Manage Career Disappointment

There will always be a point in our career where regardless how hard we try, how much we commit, and how successful we feel, things just do not progress at the pace we desire or in the direction we are hoping. The hardest part is knowing the difference between this time being a need for patience, or…

Talent Acquisition

Should You Hire for Personality or Skill?

Pop quiz, hotshot. You have two candidates coming in today for an interview. One is fairly skilled with solid experience, but has an attitude that is a little suspect. The other candidate, by all accounts, is warm and friendly but has less experience and accomplishments. Which do you hire? The answer, of course, is “it…