
How Interviews at Startups and Big Companies Differ

Picture this scene. You’ve just been invited for an interview with a super hot startup. Eager for the chance to latch onto the next Google or Facebook, you spend the next two weeks gearing up for the interview of your life. You rehearse your life story until it comes off like a TED Talk. You practice behavioral questions so…


9 Killer Tips for Video Interviews

Looking for a job? It’s high time to confess that the hiring process is far from what it looked like ten or even five years ago. To keep your eye on the ball and get that dream job, you should be ready for a video interview. Six out of ten hiring managers used video technologies…

Talent Acquisition

4 Steps to On-Site Recruitment Success

Many businesses still operate on the misconception that their recruitment function is a subservient element of the HR function. I still speak to business leaders who simply want to be free from the hassle of recruitment. This type of resentment still exists as a result of the sales style approach to recruitment which has pestered business leaders with…

Talent Acquisition

10 Survival Tips for New Recruiters

I remember my first day on the job clearly, like it was yesterday. I also recall how at the time everything seemed as clear as mud. In the beginning I had no idea what to really expect from a career in agency recruitment. I’d heard all the great things about the industry, from the great people to the perks of…

Employer Branding

6 Office Makeover Tips

The design and feel of your work space may take a back seat when it comes to your priorities in the office, but it is actually much more important than you may think. As soon as a potential client, customer or new employee walks into the office, judgements are being made about your business. From a new…

Employer Branding

Everything You Need to Know About Employee Advocacy

Employee advocacy is exactly as it sounds: it’s all about getting employees to be advocates for their own employers on social media. It runs on the ‘straight from the horse’s mouth’ principle, whereby employees share favourable content that paints their organisation in a really positive way. The point? To market a company by engaging its people in…

Talent Acquisition

Social Recruiting: Start Somewhere!

Recruiters are pretty social beings by nature. Good thing that, because being social is a big part of the job. Client meetings, candidate coffee dates and industry events; it really is just another day at (or out of) the office. Recruiters connect people with opportunities and to do this, they rely on their solid network which they build and fine-tune…

Talent Acquisition

How to Take a Job Brief Like a Boss

Contrary to its title, taking a job brief should be anything BUT brief. To stand out as an agency recruiter who really takes their job and their client’s needs seriously, it’s important to drill down for as much information as possible. Knowledge is power, and job brief basics simply aren’t enough to set you up for success.…


9 Nifty Tips for Nailing a Group Interview

It pains me to say it, but group interviews make sense. When HR resources are tight, businesses can swap the good old one-to-one method for an all-in-one approach instead. By getting all potential candidates together in one room, employers save time and manpower money. Watching applicants operate in a group setting also offers them a great insight…