
6 Tips to Avoid Snacking Your Way Through a Stressful Day

We tend to ‘treat’ ourselves when stressed by gorging on junk food, sugary snacks, caffeine, and nicotine. But why? Well, quite simply, because we are stressed. Our body craves this, but it doesn’t help our stress. We feel better for a bit (a sugar rush, a chemical rush, etc.), but then we crash hard, feel…

Talent Acquisition

Why Hiring Managers Screen Your Calls

**Disclaimer: this post is probably an unfair mass generalisation of all hiring managers, based on one or two isolated and extremely annoying experiences.** Considering agency recruiters have been brought in to fill their urgent roles as quick as “yesterday”, hiring managers can make doing your job particularly difficult at times. They cancel interviews last minute, go on leave without notice,…


A Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way

Employee engagement has been at the top of the HR agenda for a long time now, but it seems a lot of managers still don’t understand why they should take good care to make a workplace somewhere people want to work. Leaders who practice value-centered leadership find that gratitude is a good starting point. In…


8 Steps to Your Pre-Interview Social Media Clean Up

It’s the moment you’ve spent the past two months waiting for! Finally, following day after day of scouring job boards, sending out resumes and cover letters, and hearing nothing but radio silence in return, you get an interview. Better yet, you hear back from an employer who might just be ready to offer you your dream…


How Can Young Professionals Prove They’re Job Ready?

There is a great deal of focus on the challenges associated with young professionals obtaining employment. We are in the midst of a changing employment market, where individuals stay in work longer and roles are being lost to automation. The greatest challenge for our youth today, however, appears to not necessarily be their chosen skill sets. Instead, it’s their understanding of…

Employer Branding

6 Ways Charity Work Creates a Cheerful Culture

Hosting charity events in the workplace has a huge impact, not only on those you’re raising money to support, but also for the team behind the event and the people involved. Supporting a charity should always be about helping others in a selfless way, however it also provides a special opportunity to bring people together for a common cause, promoting generosity and…

Employer Branding

Sales Staff Not Using Social Media? They Should Be

As the power of social media tightens its grip on the modern workforce, the need for companies to make the right kind of noise becomes more important than ever. Social media though, isn’t just the role of the wider marketing team – employees and sales people in particular, should ideally be right in the thick of it, making the most…


Superman Poses and Other Confidence Hacks

Superman doesn’t doubt his abilities, and neither should you. Whether it’s starting a new job, going to an interview or delivering a big presentation, confidence (not arrogance) will be your friend. Research has shown that it’s a huge factor in either supporting or hindering career progression. If self-confidence and success go hand in hand, then how can you fake it…


5 Tips to Staying Authentic in Your Job Search

The internet is rife with advice on how to answer common interview questions. However, if everyone follows the exact same advice and quotes the exact same answers all the time, employers will be left with a bunch candidates who are not authentically representing themselves. If you’re a job seeker, constantly conforming to what you think employers want you to say…