Talent Acquisition

The Recruiter’s Guide to Mobile Live Video

Mobile live streaming – what are the benefits to companies and individual recruiters? And which tools should they use? I put these timely questions to Krishna De, who is a digital & visual content marketing guru. She answered these questions and more besides. Have a listen on iTunes, SoundCloud or keep reading for a summary of our conversation. Our…

Employer Branding

Who’s Seen a Huge Pay Rise This Year?

We are half way through the year, already! So now is a great time to take a look at who is receiving the biggest wage increases of 2016, which industries are thriving and which are looking to grow over the next few months and years. Lucas Blake have assessed the situation and put together the…

Employer Branding

Are You Paying Enough to Attract and Retain the Best Employees?

As confidence in the economy returns, more organisations are looking to expand and recruit new people. Our annual salary survey has shown that this positive upward trend has also resulted in a noticeable increase in salaries across many different sectors. Why are salaries increasing? The increase in salaries could be partly attributed to the introduction…

Talent Acquisition

Check Yourself: Are Your Recruitment Expectations Totally Unrealistic?

Everyone wants to recruit the best and brightest for their business, but you need to be realistic about how attractive your business is to potential recruits.  If you think you’re Apple, but you’re actually Argos then you’re going to find it very difficult to hire and retain the talent you’re hoping for. We worked with…


New Job? 7 Things You MUST Do Immediately

Starting in a new role is an incredibly exciting time. You smashed the interview, met the team and it’s now time to walk into the first day at your new office, under your brand new job title. You’re bound to feel nervous about what’s to come, but the important thing is walking in to the…

Talent Acquisition

Why Your Candidates Are Accepting Late Counter Offers

For a recruiter, obtaining verbal acceptance for a job offer and securing someone into a role is the pinnacle of success. Especially when placements feel few and far between, the satisfaction that comes with watching your candidate sign the dotted line with your client makes the dry spells worth it. Needless to say, there is nothing more disheartening than having…

Employer Branding

Before You Bring Your Own Device to Work, Read This

An increasing number of companies are implementing bring your own device (BYOD) policies to accommodate employees who wish to use technology they’re comfortable with. While this has a great number of benefits for most employees, it does raise a number of questions for the savvy professional. What devices should one use? How should those devices…

Talent Acquisition

RECRUITERS: Here’s How to Source New Business When Your Pipeline’s Dried Up

Agency recruitment is full of really high highs and seriously low lows. Consistency of workload is a sought-after luxury that very rarely eventuates; one minute you can be run off your feet, the next you’re sat twiddling your thumbs wondering why no one in the whole world is hiring. Consultants are constantly answering to monthly and quarterly targets,…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

Are You Condoning Illegal Recruitment Bias?

In response to a global shift emphasising the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, many employers are looking inward to assess their own limiting prejudices in the hiring process, and turning to big data for solutions.  Over the past few years, researchers have conducted a large number of studies in an attempt to…