Talent Acquisition

Test Your ATS: Is It Helping or Hindering Recruitment?

This post is sponsored by Lever, a new breed of applicant tracking system that emphasizes speed, collaboration and building candidate relationships. Great news! You’ve been given the green light on all those grand hiring plans. Before you start hunting hot talent, you need to give your software a real health check. A user-friendly yet sophisticated applicant tracking system is where your…


How to Handle the Heartbreak of a Close Colleague Leaving

Friendships at work are weird. They’re wonderful but weird. You see your work friends five days a week for hours on end—day in, day out, week after week, month after month, year after year. Your working day is bookended with their cheery ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’. Each Friday, you run each other through your weekend itinerary,…


7 Facts Recruiters Look for in Your CV

Most business decisions are based on hard cold facts, and hiring decisions are no different. If an organization is going to invest time and money into employing you; they will need to see evidence that you can perform. By now we all know that clichés and buzzwords do nothing to impress recruiters, but many candidates…

Talent Acquisition

Why Social Media is a Non-Negotiable Sales Tool

Is social media the sales tool of the century? Whether you’re an employer selling your company as a desirable workplace to potential employees, or a mortgage broker selling your service to new home-buyers, a presence on social media is a must-have. We caught up with social selling sorcerer Tim Hughes to hear what’s what right now on all things…

Employer Branding

How Happy Job-Hoppers are Growing the Gig Economy

Picture a fairly average Saturday: You wake up in your rented Airbnb, make breakfast, and hail an Uber to do some exploring. You head back “home” but are wiped out, so you order some dinner through your Postmates app. Easy as 1, 2, 3. Before you check out the next day, you worry about losing…


Is it Time to Change Careers?

Amelia had worked as a lawyer specializing in drafting wills for over two decades. Some not-so-great firm-wide changes at her office had her thinking about her career direction. She was wondering if a career change would be a good move for her and had reached out to me, a career coach, to talk things over.…

Talent Acquisition

Think Calls are Better than Emails? Think Again

I recently read an article entitled, “Don’t Send an Email if You Can Pick Up the Phone.” The article was written by a former member of the Washington, DC political workforce who recounted the advice given to him by a veteran lobbyist. The lesson he took from the conversation was simply not to put anything…

Talent Acquisition

Brexit: Good or Bad News for UK Recruiters?

So we have voted to leave Europe. We have new leadership in place already and are about to start serious negotiations with the EU before we enact Article 50. Recruitment Managers are monitoring proceedings closely to work out their strategy moving forward. The temporary market across many recruitment sectors is booming. In fact, some sectors…

Talent Acquisition

Yes, I’m a Recruiter… and No, I Can’t Find You a Job

I love my friends; they are good people. However I am beginning to believe that I need to avoid talking about what I do as a profession. When you are in the recruiting industry, the people you socialize with believe you have this unlimited number of jobs for the taking. Almost like you have a…