
How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in Your Education

To be completely satisfied at work, employees need to be given an opportunity to grow and self-develop. Nobody wants to be stuck at a dead-end job with no prospects for professional advancement. Enter corporate training and education. Perhaps you have felt the need to widen your skillset in order to perform better in your job…


Decision Time: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

We’ve all been there – a crossroads in our life when we are forced to choose between staying at a comfortable job versus exploring a new opportunity. The first option offers safety and familiarity, while the second offers new challenges, new surroundings and a bit of mystery and excitement as to what the future will…

Talent Acquisition

5 Tips to Create a Great Hiring Manager / Recruiter Partnership

This article is sponsored by Dropbox, see their open positions here (including some great roles on their Global Recruiting Team). There are few more important relationships in an in-house recruiter’s life than the ones shared with their hiring managers. Like any meaningful relationship, there will be ups, downs and everything in between. Your partnerships with hiring managers won’t…


Stop Pursuing Perfection, It’s a Trap

Obsessing over perfection can be a career killer. It’s a downward spiral; the more you apply pressure on yourself to achieve unrealistic goals, the more you’ll let yourself down and the lower you’ll feel. Constantly failing to live up to your own expectations will set you up for a lifetime of feeling second-rate. If you want to feel proud…


Working With a Recruiter? You MUST Read This

As a recruiter with over 30 years of experience in the industry, I’m always interested in improving the candidate/recruiter relationship. While a lot of things have changed in recruitment (the rise of social media and content in attracting talent, for example), some things will always remain the same; like the importance of being forthright with candidates and…

Employer Branding

What Would Richard Branson’s CV Look like?

If you’re looking for an inspirational career path to aspire to, then you shouldn’t have to look much further than London-born entrepreneur, Richard Branson. StandOut CV has created this infographic to detail his story, from humble beginnings to business magnate. As the founder of the Virgin Group, Branson has built a global business empire comprised of over 200…


Studying on the Side? Be Smart About It

Many of us will have to pursue a course of study or qualification to assist in securing a new or bigger role. If you are going to invest a significant portion of your time and finances into your learning, then it goes without saying you want to maximise your gains. See, it’s not just undergraduate students spending a significant part…

Talent Acquisition

7 Cheeky Recruiter Moves Nobody Talks About

I’m going to go right ahead and assume that all agency recruiters can relate to these behaviours, regardless of industry or specialism. If that’s a mass generalisation and I’m wrong, just speak now. *TUMBLEWEED* Okay great. That’s what I thought. In no particular order, here they are; the common cheeky recruiter moves nobody talks about (but everybody makes):…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

3 Things You Should “Steal” From These Career Websites

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, right? With that in mind, here are three fantastic career websites and elements you can steal* from each. (*By “steal” I mean “politely imitate”. No one is suggesting you break any laws by stealing a copyright or proprietary technology, so let’s put down the pitchforks and realize we’re suggesting…