Employer Branding

What Employee Benefits Do Top Employers Offer?

The perks of working for tech giants like Google and Facebook have become a real talking point over the past few years (see: Google or Facebook – Which has the Best Employer Brand?). So what are the other major employers doing to keep their workforce happy – and loyal?

57% of candidates say a company’s reputation as a great place to work is the most important consideration for a new job. Our friends at Next Generation have taken a look at some of the biggest global companies to see what perks are on offer to keep their employees happy.

Some highlights:

  • Entertainment company Mind Candy offer their employees a climbable tree house, ping pong, monthly lunches cooked by an executive chef and of course “beer o’clock” happy hour on Fridays.
  • 69% of US HR and talent acquisition professionals believe their well-defined internal advancement program is known among professionals, but only 24% of US employees were aware of these programs.
  • Everyday perks are great, but serious employees continue to look beyond the gimmicks. For the employer struggling to find or keep their dream workforce, the fundamentals of good management, career prospects and financial rewards remain vital.

RELATED: Employers: How Can You Make People WANT to Work For You?
