Talent Acquisition

How to Make Recruitment Work for Your Small Business

When you’re part of a Fortune 500 company with nigh inexhaustible resources, the recruitment process doesn’t seem to be one that really necessitates creativity or strategy. But when you’re a small business owner with a bottom line weighing down every decision of your company, how you decide to go about the hiring process can be one of…

Talent Acquisition

What All Recruiters Really Want to Say to Their Rubbish Clients

For agency recruiters, it often feels like clients are toying with them these days. It feels for all the world that some* Line Managers, Internal Recruiters, and HR types have conspired to make a life for recruiters as hellish as possible. Job briefs given out to 6 agents, ‘urgent’ orders postponed after weeks of work,…

Talent Acquisition

5 Effects of Hiring with a Ferrari Taste on a Honda Budget

Whether you are an HR Director, Hiring Manager or whoever else is responsible for hiring employees, it’s a safe assumption that you want to bring on the best person possible for the job. Whether it’s the next President’s Club Sales Person, Innovative Technology Professional, or Lead Customer Service Rep, you want someone who is going…

Talent Acquisition

Google Glass: How Could It Change Social Media and Recruitment?

Google Glass is expected to launch in the UK in 2014, and it’s going to be really exciting to see what impact this first foray into wearable computer technology has on us and our daily lives. This time next year, will we be seeing businessmen walking around like futuristic cyborgs, barking “Glass, take a memo”…

Talent Acquisition

How to Reject Job Applicants Without Making Enemies

Employers are getting a little sloppy these days when informing job applicants they haven’t been chosen. Too many organizations neglect to send a rejection notice entirely, and others do it haphazardly or impersonally. What’s so bad about that? Well, as important as first impressions are for job applicants, final impressions are important for organizations. Imagine…

Talent Acquisition

How Recruiters Can Benefit from LinkedIn Showcase Pages

LinkedIn has begun rolling out Showcase Pages to everyone — a newish feature available as part of a Company Page. How are recruiters going to actually benefit from this feature? I cracked open a bottle of wine and put my thinking cap on (I can’t think when I’m sober!) How about: Creating a jobs page…

Talent Acquisition

The Recruiter’s Guide to Hootsuite

There’s a plethora of social media management tools available to recruiters such as Buffer, Tweetdeck, IFTTT and just to name a few. Everyone has their own favourite but for complete novices, here’s how you can get started with Hootsuite – probably the best free tool available today: Connect your accounts: On the free version,…

Talent Acquisition

Recruiters, Here’s Why You SUCK at Attracting Good People

You’re trying to find the right candidates but you suck at attracting really good people…but, why? Here are three problems that need solving: 1) Your careers page: Too much corporate b*llocks, not enough visual content – we need simpler & more obvious information, please! The biggest problem with most company career pages is that there’s…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

Mobile Recruiting: It’s Here to Stay!

When Apple launched the iPhone 4 in 2011 it made headlines by selling over 4 million units in its first weekend of sale. Fast forward two years, and the latest 5S and 5C handsets sold over 9 million within three days. Apple doubled their sales in two years, and we’re just talking about iPhones. Compare…