Even if you love your job, there are some things you should never hear your boss say! This presentation by Andrew Chow lists 9 of them. Highlights: “I was here last Friday night and Saturday morning, where were you?” “You should stay – we have special privileges for women” “We have always done it this way” RELATED: 7…
Category: Employer Branding
Some of the world’s biggest companies use The Employer Brand Index to understand, improve and measure their employer brands.
When hiring, what’s the biggest mistake you’ve made? Top managers revealed their biggest mistake. You can find the results via this slideshow by Connect: Professional Women’s Network. Don’t choose someone simply because you clicked in the interview! Don’t hire candidates that have the same skills as you! Many applicants respond to interview questions with a theoretical…
Mentoring is fundamental to being a successful leader. That, in my opinion, is unequivocal! I have witnessed far too many leaders who do not invest time and energy – and you need both – in mentoring. It is seen as the “soft stuff”, the “fluffy bits” and not critical. I beg to disagree. If you…
The word “office” doesn’t usually inspire visions of a beautiful place and, as many know, working in one can get stagnant and boring. Being indoors under artificial lights for 8+ hours a day can be draining, and well, downright depressing. Research has even confirmed this, with studies showing that people subjected to artificial light for…
INSEAD’s new Global Talent Competitiveness Index shows high-income countries leading in fostering knowledge and vocational talent pools. Low-income countries are struggling in both areas. Talent is the V8 engine of competitiveness and innovation for today’s globally connected mobile economy. Those that have mastered the development of skills inside their countries and lowered the barriers to…
Employees think performance reviews at work are irrelevant and a waste of time – what are your thoughts? Find out more in this infographic from Globoforce. Takeaways: 53% of employees said performance reviews don’t motivate them to work harder. Employees prefer to get feedback asap. 63% of employees felt their review wasn’t a true indicator…
Automation makes the world go round much more easily. Whether you use email alerts to read news stories or text notifications to remember important appointments, automating your daily life helps you to be more productive and engaged, and automating your hiring process is no different! While you’re probably part of the many recruiters who use…
What Makes an Employee Happy?
When you’re the manager or leader of a team, you want that team to be happy and enjoy what they’re doing. This infographic by Yast gives some top tips to ensure that they stay happy in what they do. Takeaways: 79% of employees want end of year rewards. 70% of workers who feel their jobs…
When finding the best talent – what do you use? Sparkhire reckon that HR should bet on technology – and this infographic explains why. Takeaways: 33% of recruiters reported a decreased time to hire when using technology/social media. We are now crunching as much data every TWO DAYS as we did from the dawn of…