Employer Branding

10 Hot Job Titles that Didn’t Exist 10 years Ago

As we welcome in a new year, LinkedIn decided to take a look at the data from the profiles of their half a billion members, and see which jobs didn’t exist in 2008. Do you have any of these titles? How long have you had your job for? Takeaways: iOS development began in 2008, meaning that…

Employer Branding

Are Small Business Employees Happy at Work?

Are employees of small businesses satisfied and happy with their jobs? GFI conducted a survey and this infographic shows the findings. Takeaways: 81% of small business employees are satisfied with their job. 72% say social media at work has no effect on their productivity. 43% have used a mobile computing device to connect remotely to…

Employer Branding

How Social Recruiting is Used in Europe [STUDY]

Ever wondered how employers in Europe use social media for recruitment? Our friends at Stepstone recently released a study called “Recruitment via social media: fact or hype?” which is based on research carried out in seven European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. So for once we have interesting social recruiting data…

Employer Branding Timebound

What Did the UK Employment Landscape in 2013 Look Like? [INFOGRAPHIC]

In 2013, what did the UK’s employment landscape look like? This infographic by looks at all the facts and figures. Takeaways: There are now 29.95 million people in work. The average weekly pay is now £475. 2.47 million people are unemployed. The youth unemployment is at 21% currently. Unemployment is due to drop 6.8%…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

The Unfair World of Hiring

Who’s scared as sh*t about how the government and corporations monitor us, categorize us, recruit us, abuse us, and ultimately misuse our information because we share on the internet? It lives in the back cells of our minds and fore nerves of our fingertips. When it comes to the NSA’s staff welcome message, Box CEO Aaron…

Employer Branding

When Social Sharing Turns Bad

Are you one of those people who “checks in” wherever you go on Facebook? Are you the “mayor” of your favorite restaurant on Foursquare? Do you keep your network apprised of your every move on Twitter? Location-based apps are certainly popular on social media these days and letting your network know where you’re going and…

Employer Branding

Why Great Leaders Attract Talent Like Flies on Sherbert

Great leadership is an under-appreciated variable in career trajectory.  Finding a leader rather than a run-of-the-mill manager can jumpstart success, and stagnating under poor or nonexistent leadership can create unnecessary barriers to long-term goals.  Thus, during a job search, you should be cognizant of and closely scrutinize the perceived effectiveness of your potential future manager. While anyone…

Employer Branding Timebound

Top Trends in Global Employee Engagement

Annual trends from Aon Hewitt’s global employee database reflecting employee engagement and perceptions of their work experience are shown in the infographic below. The data is taken from 3.8 million employees in 2,500 companies. Takeaways: 4 out of 10 employees are not engaged. 2 out of 10 employees are actively disengaged. Global employee engagement is…

Employer Branding

Do You Know the Truth About Your Employees?

The Talent Project asks whether you really know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about your employees. See for yourself in their slideshow below. Takeaways: Only half of your employees are happy in their jobs. 43% of employees think about quitting their job. Only 29% of employees would recommend their employer…