
How Startups Can Create an Unbeatable Culture

It’s undeniable that there are many benefits of great work culture, although they can be difficult to pin down as each organization has its own unique mission, history, and personality. Albeit extensive, it’s almost impossible to create a ‘one size fits all’ list. A strong team is the driving force of success. In the early…


4 Trends Shaping Learning & Development for Multinational Companies

The pandemic and the economic downturn in recent months has forced many business leaders to reconsider their approach to Learning and Development. A report by TalentLMS reveals that 67% of HR managers have an increased L&D budget in 2022 while LinkedIn’s 2022 Workplace Learning report states that L&D leaders are twice as likely to have…


Why the Best Leaders are Also the Most Authentic

I attribute the positive impact I’ve been able to have on the teams I work with and the business itself on leading from a place of authenticity. Being openly gay in the workplace is an important part of that. The concept of authenticity, and bringing your true self to work, has been the subject of…


The Pros and Cons of Quiet Quitting for Employees and Job Seekers

If you have read any business website or career publication lately, you have likely heard about “quiet quitting.” This ubiquitous hashtag that originated on TikTok features employees proudly touting their rejection of the hustle-culture mentality that blurs the lines between work and personal life. The online community quickly found its new cause to champion, and…


What Candidates Want Most, According to New Research

The labor market continues to favor candidates. With more than 11.4 million job openings and two positions for each unemployed person, according to the latest BLS data, most organizations are scrambling to keep up with the rapid volume of hiring. Workers are leveraging this power to secure new jobs, higher wages, and better benefits. According…


How Supporting Diversity Gives Your Business a Head Start

Many organizations claim they support diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI). Some, however, have yet to grasp that ensuring DEI is part of the hiring process is one of the keys to success. What is DEI? Effective diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies involve taking active steps to ensure that people with different ethnicities, genders, abilities,…


6 Reasons Why You Need to Take a Workation

If you are a professional that works from your home office, you may need to spice things up a bit. Take a good look around your office and ask yourself if you need a change of scenery. Do you find the walls of your home office closing in on you as you repeat the same…


5 Ways to Amplify Your DEI Initiatives

Talent acquisition teams are no strangers to the importance of creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) workplace for all employees. According to the newly-released Job Seeker Nation Report, 38% of workers would turn down a job offer if the company lacked diversity in its workforce or had no clear goals for improving diversity in…


Small Steps with Big Outcomes — Supporting Parents in the Workplace

From sleep deprivation to financial cost, parenthood certainly comes with an emotional and physical toll. Although this opener sounds negative, it is important to recognize the difficulties accompanying being a parent alongside the overwhelmingly positive experiences. This can’t be overlooked in the workplace after parenthood, where often there is renewed vigor over a return to…