Employer Branding Workplace

6 Ways to Thrive as an Expat

Nowadays it’s not unusual for many individuals to expect that there will be a need to undertake an expatriate assignment at one or more points in their careers. For many, this may be an organisation-driven opportunity but for others this may be a self-driven opportunity. Regardless of what the driver actually is, to undertake a global…


The Most Sought After Jobs of 2017

Thinking about a career change this year? Hard to believe, but it’s been almost 7 years since the great recession hit its peak. Things sure have changed in that time. I know, if you were on the job market around 2010 this is probably hard to believe, but it’s true, and it gets even better.…


14 Tips on How to Change Your Role

Changing tact in your career and convincing others to give you the opportunity is often challenging. If this is something you want to do, my top tips to ensure things move in the right direction are as follows: Know where you want to go or what you want to do. Some self analysis is key…

Employer Branding Workplace

The Benefits of Napping at Work

We all know the feeling of waking up for work and just not wanting to get out of bed. Either a late night, a heavy schedule or even the thought of leaving the warmth of the duvet, are just some of the reasons why getting out of bed for work sucks. But sometimes even when you…


How Introverts Can Impress in Interviews

Most people don’t associate introverts with the idea of attention-grabbing impact and unforgettable first impressions. There’s a good reason for that: Whilst introverts are quite capable of being socially ‘noisy’ when comfortable, they tend to react to new situations by carefully processing stimuli mentally, before delivering a response. It is not that introverts are shy…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition Workplace

5 Industries with Serious Skills Shortages

From the sheer number of reports and statistics being published about the current lack of opportunities in the UK job market, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the outlook was bleak for anyone wanting to embark on a new career. With UCAS figures showing a record number of students being accepted at universities and the…

Employer Branding Workplace

Book Clever: How to Maximise Your Holiday Allowance

Thailand, the Caribbean or maybe a road trip across Australia. They’ve probably crossed your mind at least once, especially whilst sat at your desk at work. In fact thousands of Brits had already booked their holidays by January 7th this year, less than a week after returning from their Christmas break. Now some of you…

Employer Branding Workplace

Don’t Make These Body Language Mistakes!

If certain techniques for acing job interviews are so well-known that you use them almost automatically, the things that you don’t realize you’re doing can cost you that dream job at the final hurdle. Identifying and neutralizing potential errors before the big day can make all the difference if you’re up against strong competition. Your…


Just Resigned? Finish Like a Winner

Securing a new role is no mean feat; new research by Lever suggests an average of every 1 in 100 candidates is hired. Needless to say, if you’ve managed to bag the new role, you’ve fought the good fight and beaten the odds. This is cause for great celebration! Once you’ve let the great news sink in, your attention will…