
Job Hopper? 6 Quick Fixes to Cover Resume Gaps

Sometimes a resume will look like the person has had more jobs than hot meals. This is a sure fire way to make any potential employer run for the hills. Big gaping gaps on a resume will bring attention to you for all the wrong reasons. Job hopping indicates a lack of stability in your…


Where to Find Oracle Related Jobs

This report contains the best online resources for furthering your career within the Oracle world. Job Boards are the most natural first step to putting your finger on the pulse. The big behemoths are decent for Oracle jobs, most of them have their own categories for it. The top sites for Oracle job listings at the…


It’s Interview Questions & Answers Time!

During the interview, you will be asked to demonstrate your suitability for the job. Why have they asked you this particular question? What are they trying to find out? Below are some of the more commonly asked questions, and some simple suggested responses. Q: Tell me about yourself? A: They want you to open up…


How to Find Your Next Job on Twitter

The free social media and microblogging service that we know as Twitter has quickly become a fantastic channel for your personal branding. It complements your online presence on other platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. Some argue that Twitter has become a pivotal tool for connecting job seekers with recruiters, as it is very direct, quick…


What is the Secret to Personal Branding?

You might have heard about personal branding; it is a much-hyped concept that is all over the web at the moment. How does it affect us regular folks, and what can we do to make the most of personal branding? This article will briefly explain what it is, what you should be doing, and what you…


Five Ways to Set and Achieve Your Personal Goals

This article is all about goals, why they are important, how you can set them, and finally how to achieve them. First off, what is a goal? Well in this context, a goal is a personal objective. Something you want to achieve within a specific period of time. All successful people are goal-oriented. They know…


6 Simple Steps to Being Happier at Work

We spend a lot of time at work, from Monday to Friday probably more waking time in the office than with our families and loved ones. If we are to cope with this, we have to make sure we make the most out of our work time and enjoy it. 1. Positivity and smiling Positive…

Employer Branding Workplace

How NOT to Rot in Your Job

You may have an inkling that the time has cometh for you to seek pastures new, or you might just want to make sure that you are doing the right thing by staying put. Either way, go through these points and see if they apply to you. 1. Sense of purpose Does your job require…


17 Clever Ways to Interview Like a Pro

Big interview coming up? Not to worry! The devil is in the detail when it comes to interviewing, make sure you are on top of all the following bits and pieces and you will nail that interview. Here we go: 1. Briefing on the job and company Have you got the full briefing of the…