
8 Tips to Giving an Interview Presentation

In my time as a senior recruiter I have sat through no small number of presentations. Many of them left me cold. I wondered if the people giving them really understood the purpose of the exercise i.e. to test in this way is the candidate’s ability to represent and sell an organisation, (and in the…


How to Conduct a Mid-Year Career Review

There’s something about September, a legacy of the school academic year that means this time of year feels like a turning point. Previously a fresh start marked with new shoes, pencil cases and exercise books. Outside of a new job or a promoted position there aren’t quite the same clear milestones in the working world…


On Riding a Segway and a Job Search

In a light-hearted moment, I agreed to celebrate my son’s graduation with an activity he selected for us to do together. I certainly wasn’t thinking about a Segway tour! Fear and the promise of exhilaration churned in my stomach as I reluctantly agreed to ride a Segway. As I finally began to enjoy the ride,…


30 Second Screening: Will Your Résumé Survive?

Anecdotal evidence consistently suggests that many recruiters and hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds on the first reading. Will a Summary or Profile section help your résumé to cut through? I hear many opinions both for and against the idea of including a Summary or Profile section at the beginning of a résumé. Some…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

Top 3 Tips for Working with Recruiters…from a Recruiter!

I have been recruitment consultant for the last 10 years and absolutely love my job. I’m aware that recruiters don’t always provoke happy thoughts in the minds of job seekers and clients alike and that is maybe a blog post for another time, but for now I want to give some tips for getting the…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

The Evolution of Recruitment Technology

Recruitment technology has changed extensively since the early days, and with the birth of social media it’s become a lot more interactive. Here are some of the main points of its history, courtesy of TalentBin. Takeaways: In the pre-computer era, jobs were found via bulletin boards and newspapers, whereas passive candidates were found via resume…


Why Monster’s Batch Apply Service is Bad for Candidates

If you’ve visited the Monster website recently you may have noticed their new innovate ‘batch apply’ function which allows you to apply for multiple job openings with just one click of a button. While Monster seems to think this is a good thing, I couldn’t disagree more. In recruitment we call this the ‘shotgun’ approach,…


Why Job Applicants Need Online Reputation Management

These days, jobs tend to be fairly few and far between—so when a really good position becomes available, there is typically a long line of applicants waiting to fill it. This is something of a mixed blessing for most employers, who don’t always have the time it takes to sift through resumes and interview each…


When it Comes to Career Development, Talk’s Not Cheap

If you’re like most managers, you care. You’ve become accustomed to taking on more and more, expanding your job description with countless ‘other duties as assigned’… and even some that aren’t. Developing the careers of the people who report to you is on a growing (read: crushing) list of to-do’s. What if you could re-imagine…